Vintage x Fem Reader

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this is super short sorry 

3rd Person Pov

"Will you turn that off and go to sleep already?"

Vintage grogilly watched as his girlfriend, Y/N, puffed her cheeks. There she sat on the living room couch, a blanket over her figure with the TV turned on. She had been staying up late to binge a TV show her friends had pester her to watch, but the situation worried Vintage.

"Why are you being so uptight? Are you worried?"

"O-Of course I am. Staying up this late isn't healthy," Vintage huffed.

Although it was embarassing to admit it, Vintage was genuinely concerned. It was 4 in the morning, and the two had rank battles to attend to the following morning. However, he wouldn't be lying if he had alternative motives to confront Y/N about this.

"You never complained when I stayed up late in bed to be on my phone," Y/N stated. Then, it was as if a lightbulb had appeared above her head, as she figured out why Vintage was so nervous.

"Could it be... you missed sleeping by me~?"

Vintage's face turned red, sending Y/N ecstatic.

"Hah! I knew it!"

A bright smile decored Y/N face as she lifted up the blanket, "Here, you can sleep by me while I finish watching."

Vintage stood there, baffled. It was clear there was no going back, as his motivation was revealed.

Bashfully, he sat on the couch and snuggled up to Y/N. She immediately got back to watching her show, but Vintage, on the other hand, stared at her.

"How did I score someone so sweet and beautiful..."

He smiled sweetly. He truly did love her...

"Vinny, I can tell you're staring."

"I-I'm not-!"

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