Mask x Reader

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Mmmm I forgot halfway through that Mask dragged out his words sometimes so I had to go and fix that. Also this was kinda rushed cause I procrastinated too much Oof. Hope you guys still enjoy it anyways

Mask's POV

I grinned widely under my mask. It felt weird smiling, since I don't do it often, but what was happening was inkredible.

A Super Smash Bros Ultimate themed Splatfest.

I've been waiting for Smash to come out for months. And after hearing the news about the Splatfest after playing it for the first time, I was extremely pumped up.

I skipped my tired ass to The Shoal, where my team and I usually meet up to play games. I walked into the building and scurried over to the Squid Jump arcade game, since I knew it was Moon Chan's favorite and they would probably be there.

"Guuuuys, guys, did you see the news?!" I asked.

Moon chan stopped playing and turned to me, along with Designer Headphones and Jersey chan.

"Hmm, no. What happened?" Moon chan asked.

I smile crept up onto my face as I opened my mouth to answer. "Theeere's going to be a Super Smash Bros Ultimate themed splatfeeeest!" I cheered. Their faces all lit up.

"Oooh, what's the theme, what's the theme?!" Designer Headphones asked.

"Heroes vs Villains," I replied.

My team squealed like a bunch of weaboo fangirls. "So which team are you gonna pick? I think I'm leaning towards Team Villains!" Moon chan said as Designer Headphones nodded in agreement. "Eh, I'm leaning more towards Heroes," Jersey stated.

I stood there for a second before shrugging. "I dunnooo, I guess I'll have to think about iiit."

They all nodded. "It's okay, take your time. Now, let's go play some Squid Beatz!" Designer Headphones said.


I squealed as I laid in bed. I knew I looked like a complete fangirl doing it, but how could I not help myself? It's a SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE themed splatfest!

However, there was a problem, I didn't know what team to choose.

I laid there like a potato thinking long and hard about which team to choose, however, I just couldn't decide.

So, I decided the way to choose which team I would join was to choose the one my best friend was going with.

I called mask on my Squid/Octophone. Mask picked up, and, as usual, sounded tired.

"Heeey, Y/N," he muttered as he picked up.

"Masky, I need your help. I'm super excited about the splatfest we're having, but I don't know which team to choose!" I whimpered.

Mask chuckled under his mask. "Fuunny you saay that, Y/N, cause I don't knooow which one to choose either!" He replied.

I sighed heavily over the phone. "Well now what am I supposed to do?" I whined. We stood there in silence before Mask spoke up.

"Weeell, think about it. Think about which characterrs you like more. Think about which ones you relaaate to more. Think about whiiich ones you use the most."

I nodded before thinking about my choice.

"You're right, I should choose..."

If you chose Team Heroes...

"Heroes!" I cheered.

"It's obviously the better choice I mean, there's red ink, Kirby, they're the heroes so it makes more sense to root for them, Kirby, Nintendo's mascot is a hero, Kirby-"

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