Aloha x *Big Chungus* Reader

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Happy April Fools Day and happy birthday, Aloha!

Just to clarify, the reader isn't Big Chungus themselves, they're Big Chungus' daughter/son

oh and also I tried to write this as gender neutral as possible because everyone deserves to be related to Big Chungus-

"But isn't the meme dead?" "YES I KNOW THE MEME IS DEAD-"

Also this was terribly written-

3rd Person POV

"Pleeease, daddy?" Y/N whined, pleading to their father. The absolute king, Big Chungus, only shook his head in response.

"I'm sorry, my dear Y/N, but I will not allow you to go to that arrogant commoner's party."

Y/N huffed and stomped away to their room. How could their father be so cruel! He know they had feelings for Aloha, but no matter how much Y/N begged to Big Chungus to go see Aloha, Big Chungus always refused.

Y/N stared at their open window. They were tired of Big Chungus always telling them what to do. They wanted freedom, even if it was for only a day.

Y/N opened their fancy-ass window and looked down. With their heart pounding rapidly, Y/N put out leg out the window, praying the fall wouldn't kill them. Gulping, Y/N yeeted themselves out the window. Luckily, nothing was broken.


A huge grin snuck onto Y/N's face as they walked their way to Aloha's house where a party was currently being held. Since basically every woomy and veemo was invited, there wasn't a checklist or anything, letting Y/N just walk inside.

Ignoring everyone's eyes on them, since Y/N is well known for being Big Chung's daughter/son, Y/N shuffled through the crowd to find the birthday boi.

"Happy birthday, Aloha!" Y/N cheered as they finally found Aloha. Aloha's eyes lit up.

"Y/N! Did your father finally let you go outside?" he asked. Aloha and Y/N knew each other because they would text each other.

"Nope. I snuck out of the house," Y/N proudly responded.

"What?! Really?" Aloha was surprised someone would do that just to see him.

"I mean, I'd do anything to hang out with you more often, even if it means sneaking out of my house."

Aloha blushed. He really did have feelings for this half woomy/veema half chungus, didn't he?

Y/N stopped their conversation once their phone buzzed.

"Oh no... my dad texted me..."

Aloha grew stiff.

"H-He did... what did he say?"

Y/N read the text out loud.

Big Chungus: Get the hell back here you thot-

"Wow he really had to roast you like that-"

"Sorry, Aloha, I'm gonna have to go back to my house, or else my dad might kill me-" Y/N sighed.

"It's fine, Y/N. I'm just glad you decided to visit me on my birthday today." Aloha grinned at the chungus. Y/N's face brightened.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot to give you your birthday present!" they exclaimed.

"Oh? What is it-"

Aloha was cut off by chungus lips on his, kissing him deeply. Aloha happily kissed back. After a minute of hot woomy on chungus action, Y/N pulled away.

"Bye, Aloha! I love you!" Y/N waved goodbye. With a pink blush dusted across his face, Aloha waved back.


Yeah it's short and crappy. What'd you expect from an April Fools oneshot based on Big Chungus?

Sorry if you got a notification for this earlier. I accidentally published this when it was unfinished-

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