Rider x Fem Reader

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F/C/F = Favorite Cake Flavor

kinda a Christmas special-? idk

3rd Person Pov

"Dude, you should, like, totally bake her something. It'll make you seem soft."

"How is that a good thing..?"

"Because chicks dig dudes who are soft, duh! That's why Army over here doesn't have a girlfriend."


Rider facepalmed. Asking the S4 for Christmas gift suggestions was a bad idea in hindsight.

"I agree with the baking thing."

"Skull you're just saying that because you want leftovers."

".....Not denying that."

Rider groaned, "You guys are annoying... Mask, you have any ideas?"

Mask raised his hands up, "Don't ask meeeee..."

Sighing and crossing his arms, Rider scoffed. He just wanted to buy/make an at least decent Christmas present for his girlfriend, Y/N. At face value it didn't seem hard, but now that he's actually attempting it...

God is it tough.

"Guess I'll take Aloha's advice, then. Since clearly no one else has any better ideas."

"Oh-! If you're going to cook her something, how about some curry? I can let you borrow my curry manual and-"

"I'm not making curry, Army."



Rider stared down at the pretty white apron decorated with pink lace he adorned. He'd wear something else if he could, but this was the only apron he had, and going out to buy a different one sounded like a pain, not to mention a waste of money. He only had it because his mother gifted it to him, knowing damn well he'd be embarrassed to wear it.

Rider took out the ingredients he bought from the grocery store. He'd plan to make Y/N one of her favorite cakes, F/C/F. 

It took a while to get out what he needed. Sure, he occasionally cooks for himself, but not anything fancy like a cake. Soon enough, though, he was able to figure out what bowls and pans he needed.

Now, all he needs to do is to make it.



Y/N snuck her way into Rider's house. It's not like she was breaking in or anything, she used a house key Rider gave her. Not knowing what Rider has been doing for the past few days, she wanted to surprise him with a visit to hopefully find out.

The smell of delicious cake immediately hit Y/N's nose.

Sneakily making her way to the kitchen, she spotted Rider on his phone next to the freshly baked cake. It wasn't iced yet, most likely because it was just taken out.

Rider took his attention off his phone and was surprised to finally notice Y/N. His eyes widened.

"Oh, Y-Y/N. When'd you get here?"

Y/N shrugged, smiling, "Just now."

She made her way close to Rider and tilted her head innocently.

"What's all this for?"

"...An early Christmas present."

Y/N giggled and gave Rider a hug. She was on her tippy-toes, because DAMN Rider is tall. Rider hugged back, bending down to nuzzle Y/N's cheek. A big dorky smile was plastered on his face, which is unusual for such a serious guy.

"Thank you, Rider! I love you!"

"I love you, too~"



Whoop idk how to end this so uhhh the end :)

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