Half-Rim x *Socially Awkward* Reader

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Requested by Splatoon2writer

oof Sorry if this sucks


I sat alone inside of Inkopolis' Cafe, quietly sipping a cup of hot chocolate. The place was silent, due to not a lot of people being there. Mostly everyone was at a party Aloha was throwing.

I never got the whole thing about going to parties and... talking to people. Hell, I never understood talking to people in general. I'm an awkward mess!

I stared deeply into the now-empty mug that I was gripping onto with both of my hands, deep in thought. So deep in thought that I didn't here the opening and closing of the cafe door.

"Oh, hi, Y/N," 

I looked up to see my close friend, Half-Rim. I blushed, not expecting to see him here.

"Mind if I sit?" He pointed to a seat next to mine.

"O-oh, yeah."

There was an awkward silence after that. I noticed the jellyfish workers cleaning tables and getting ready to close.

"So, why aren't you at Aloha's party?" Half-Rim asked.

"You know why," I sulked while putting my head down onto the table.

Half-Rim chuckled before patting my back.

"True." Half-Rim looked around the cafe. "Hey, we should get going. It's almost closing time."

I lifted my head up to see Spyke closing his laptop and packing up.

"Ok..." I replied, getting out of my seat.

We both walked out of the cafe and I glanced at the dark sky.

"I guess I'll go home," I said before starting to walk off.

"I'll go with you," Half-Rim exclaimed.

Half-Rim caught up to me and grabbed my hand. I blushed at the sudden contact.

"H-Half-Rim!" I squeaked. Half-Rim looked at me.


"Y-your hand-"

"What's wrong with it?"

"W-we're... holding hands!"


I became more embarrassed after every sentence. What the hell am I supposed to do?! 

"D-don't only couples hold hands?" I asked.



My sentence was cut off by Half-Rim planting a kiss onto my lips. He pulled away, leaving me a flustered mess.

"See? We're couple now, so it's fine," he said while smirking.

"I... I..."

Half-Rim snickered at my embarrassment and faced forward again. I decided to not say anything and stay silent. He basically just confessed to me.

I mean... not that I'm complaining or anything.

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