Army x *Shy* Reader

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I walked out of the train that brought me to Inkopolis Square. Anxiety came over me as I shuffled through many Inklings and Octolings, desperately trying to escape the crowd of cephalopods. I blew a sigh of relief when I was finally able to get away from everyone.

I never. really want to move from my hometown, but I always knew I would have to move to participate in Turf Wars, even if I do have to abandon all of my old friends.

I walked through the city and arrived at my apartment. I opened the door with a key and walked inside. I walked into my new bedroom and started to unpack everything. Due to me not having much, it only took me a small amount of time to set up everything.

It was only 7 PM, so I decided to walk around the city to get used to my new surroundings. I walked outside and looked up to the sky. The sun was setting and the sky was getting darker by the second.

I walked around Inkopolis Square looking for something to do. I ended up walking into an area with Squid Bumpers. I didn't know where I was, obviously, so I started to freak out a bit.

I flinched when I started to hear talking in the distance. I peeped around a corner to see four orange Inklings all wearing a beret. They were talking about battle strategies and taking notes on curry.

I looked at one of the Inklings. He was wearing a Forge Inkling Parka. I also noticed he had face paint on and wore a stern look on his face. He looked intimidating.

The one with the Forge Octarian Jacket noticed me and pointed to my direction.

It then occurred to me that I was basically spying on them. Thoughts ran through my mind of how negatively they would react to me.

Without thinking, I started to book it out of there. However, I soon had to stop due to me tripping over, landing on my stomach.

"Oww..." I quietly whined to myself.

I turned over to see the same four Inklings starring down at me, all of them with serious and slightly angry expressions.

I gulped, deeply regretting my decisions.

"Are you... okay?" the male with the face paint asked.

I nodded, visible sweat forming on my face.

The male held out his hand to help me get up, which I hesitantly excepted.

"I-I'm sorry for spying on you. I-I kinda got lost walking around here and I wasn't really thinking straight. I'm Y/N, b-by the way. I'm new here," I explained, trying to make things less awkward.

The male Inkling nodded and grinned.

"Well, greetings, Y/N, and it's fine. Welcome to Inkopolis Square, I'm Army, and this is my team," he said.

I blushed at his sudden niceness. Maybe he isn't so mean after all.

Army then walked up next to me and grabbed my wrist, causing me to flinch and blush.

"How about I show you around?" He turned to his teammates. "You guys keep talking about battle strategies for the future."

He started to walked me out of what he explained to be a training area to Inkopolis Square.

He pointed to different buildings telling me their names and explaining to me what they provide. I zoned out and started to stare at his face. I started to notice how... cute he looked.

"Y/N? Y/N. Y/N!" Army repeated. 

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"A-ah? S-sorry! I guess I just zoned out." I awkwardly laughed.

Army nodded and went back to explaining random buildings. He sure does know a lot about this place.

We ended up walking up to the top of a building in New Albacore Hotel. We ordered food and ate it while talking. Once I was done, I told Army I was going to look around.

I walked over to the edge of the building. I had my arms on top of the rails on the perimeter of the building. I looked down to see a battle between two teams. There were lights dimly illuminating the whole stage.

I then heard sound of walking and turned to see Army besides me smiling.

I blushed as I turned back to the battling cephalopods.

"Thanks for showing me around, Army. I was afraid I was going to get nowhere with me being shy and all," I stated.

I felt a hand on my cheek. I quickly turned around to face Army, who was looking into my eyes. I looked back to his, and he started to lean in.

My eyes widened when I realized what was happening. Army was kissing me. I blushed and kissed back. Army then pulled away.

"Sorry if that was sudden, Y/N. I just kinda thought you were cute from the beginning. I thought everything about you was cute. Well, besides from the whole spying thing."

I laughed. "Well, I think you're pretty cute, too, Army."

Army became flustered.

"Cute, h-huh? Well, I'll take the compliment."

We then continued to watch the Turf War battle while I had thoughts about Army and what just happened.

Maybe this whole 'being away from my hometown' thing won't be so bad after all.

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