Vintage x Fem Reader

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There isn't much content for him soooo...

3rd Person Pov

What's a word to describe Vintage? Oh, right.

A tsundere.

And it was painfully obvious he was one. He would always be cold towards poor little Y/N, no matter what she was doing. Being playful? He'd be cold. Being sweet and kind? He's be cold. Y/N just standing there doing nothing? He'd be cold.

Of course, that was only how he acted on the outside. On the inside, Vintage would always have butterflies flutter in his stomach whenever he hung out with Y/N. Something about her beautiful tentacle hair, her soothing voice, her... body...

No no. Vintage might be an asshole, but he is a good boy. He's not a pervert.

Anyway, in summary, Vintage just has a soft spot for Y/N that he sucks at showing, or even processing. He didn't even recognize his feelings for the girl until some friends told him. Vintage was never good with girls in the first place, so it's not surprising.


"Hey, Omega?" Vintage started to ask his sister, "Why does my face heat up whenever I'm around Y/N?"

"Um... do you like her?" Omega replied, somewhat startled by the question.

"....As a friend, yes."

"...But you blush around her?"


"....Yeah I'm sure you like her more as a friend."

"Oh, god dammit," Vintage crossed his arms and pouted, "Red-Sole and Double said that too! At first I thought they were just teasing me or being idiots but now you're saying it too..!"

Omega shrugged, "I mean, they may share a single brain cell but they do know a crush when they see one."

Vintage blushed at the word 'crush'. He couldn't believe it. Does he actually LIKE like Y/N?

You know, for someone who acts all high and mighty, he sure does coward down whenever it comes to love.


Curious whether what Omega and other others said were true, Vintage decided to spend his day with Y/N. You know, just two friends hanging out, no tension at all...

Y/N and Vintage were casually taking a stroll around Inkopolis, occasionally stopping to admire the scenery. Well, Y/N admired the scenery, the only thing Vintage would admire was the girl next to him. Soon enough, Y/N got tired, and collapsed down on a bench.

"Yeesh, I'm so tired!" Y/N complained, slouching down on the bench tiredly.

"Quit complaining.." Vintage audibly muttered, sitting down next to her, his eyes locked on Y/N.

Y/N playfully stuck her tongue out at Vintage before sitting up properly.

Vintage blushed a bit at how cute Y/N was being.

'Oh, shit,' he thought, 'I think I do like her.'

"Y/N," Vintage spoke.

"Yeah?" Y/N replied, tilted her head.

"Do you like me? As more than a friend?"

Y/N was shocked by Vintage's question. Of course she liked liked him, but to confess to him like this...

"Um... Y-Yeah.."

"Good. Because I like you, too."

Before Y/N could react, Vintage leaned in and kisses Y/N softly on the cheek. After pulling away, Vintage nuzzled into his jacket, trying to hide his blush with the collar. On the other hand, Y/N was frozen solid, until she burst out.

"Awe, that was so cute! I knew you had a soft side!" she gushed, tackling Vintage into a hug and nuzzling his chest.

"Sh-Shut up! We're in public you know!" Vintage retorted, flustered and a n g y.

Ignoring Vintage's remark, Y/N continued to cuddle Vintage fluffily. Vintage sighed and hugged Y/N back, just happy he could finally realize and confess his feelings.

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