Vintage x Fem Reader Lemon

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A majority of you wanted Vintage soooo

Merry early Christmas you horny bitches ;)

3rd Person Pov

It was an uneventful day. Snow was blanketing the outside ground, and the temperature was below freezing. The weather was colder than Vintage's personality, and noticeably unfit for a turf war or ranked battle.

As a result, Y/N and Vintage were forced to be cooped up together in Vintage's small house.

"This is so boring. Why don't you have any video games or something?" Y/N groaned, frantically digging through Vintage's cabinets to find a taste of something entertaining.

"They're childish," Vintage replied, flipping through channels on his TV.

"Ok Mr. Ramen man," Y/N playfully snapped back, pulling out a dusty box, "Hey what's this?"

Y/N blew off the dust. After coughing from the accidental inhalation of said dust, she noticed it was an Uno game.

"Woah, Uno! When's the last time you've touched this it's so dusty," Y/N asked, opening up the card game.

"My team and I played it a couple of times but then quit because of how boring it was," Vintage answered, staring off to the side.

"Oh? Are you sure you didn't quit because you kept losing?"

"Sh-Shut up!"

Y/N let out a loud giggle and sat down on the floor in front of the couch Vintage sat on. She was shuffling the cards, preparing for a game. Vintage groaned and got down to the floor as well.

Y/N smiled, the deck of cards shuffled and ready. "Hey, how about we play strip Uno?"

Vintage flushed bright red. He wanted to deny it, but seeing how calm Y/N was, he was afraid he'd seem like a virgin wimp.


Y/N finished shuffling the cards and placed 7 cards down for each of the two.

"Usually you'd strip every time you get skipped or a plus four, but since it's only the two of us and the rounds are shorter we can strip every time we lose a game."

Vintage nodded, still trying to act cool and tough.

And thus, the two played several rounds of Uno.



...And boy was Vintage getting his ass kicked.

He had been on a losing streak. Managing only to be beaten two times, Y/N had only taken off her jacket and hat. Vintage, who had somehow managed to get a 10 losing streak, was stuck in his underwear, pouting.

"Next round!" Y/N cheered, shuffling the deck of cards once more.

Covering his crotch area with his hand, Vintage shook his head.

"I-I don't want to play anymore," he said, his face covered in a blush.

"Awe, why? Because you're losing?"

Vintage growled under his breath and didn't respond.

"Well, you can lose something else for a change," Y/N smirked.

"L-Like what?" Vintage questioned, not getting the euphemism.

"You're virginity~"



Oh boy did Vintage turn into a tomato. He couldn't even keep his tough guy act anymore. He just. Poof. Flustered boy.

"U-U-Um," Vintage managed to stutter out. Sure, he wanted it, but he didn't know how to express it.

Y/N smirked and sat down on Vintage's lap, her body facing his. Vintage's face heated up. He could feel her ass rub against his clothed junk. Jeez, he can't even handle foreplay.

"Awe, how cute~?" Y/N cooed, leaning into Vintage's ear and whispering. If Vintage had hair, the ones on his neck would be standing up. 

(That's not the only thing of Vintage's that's standing up haha gottem)

"Sh..Shut up," Vintage puffed his cheeks. He was trying to seem intimidating but it made him look more like an adorable puppy.

"Make me-"

Before Y/N could finish her comeback, Vintage smashed his lips onto hers. She tasted like spicy ramen. Yum.

Y/N moaned into the kiss, grinding onto Vintage's chub even more aggressively. Vintage kept his hands on Y/N's ass.

Knowing this wouldn't go anywhere if neither of them took the chance, Y/N pulled away and started to take her bottoms and panties off. Vintage, not having to take anything off since he was basically already scantily clad, stared in awe.

He's finally not going to be a virgin. Poggers.

Y/N took it upon herself to remove Vintage's underwear, eager to meet his lil' friend. 'It' sprang free when Y/N finished taking them off. Vintage was about a good 6 inches. Big to some, small to others. Didn't matter to Y/N. A dick is a dick.

Being already wet and not needing any lube, Y/N climbed on top of Vintage and slammed down without hesitation, earning a groan from Vintage.

"C-Crap!" Y/N winced. She didn't expect for a first time to hurt so much. She didn't really pay much attention during sex ed.

Y/N's breath hitched, waiting for the pain to wither. Vintage rubbed her sides in an attempt to help, but let's be real it didn't do much.

Enduring the remaining sting in her body, Y/N slowly started to bounce. She bit her lips and lowered her hand to her clit, slowly rubbing it to match the rhythm of the seductive movement.

Vintage, admiring Y/N doing all the work, had his mouth slightly agape. He felt somewhat embarrassed, he expected himself to be the one to dominate in his first time having sex, but from how amazing the experience was, he didn't even care.

Enjoying every second of the titillating sex, Y/N felt a small knot form in her stomach. Vintage's head and shoulders twitched, letting Y/N know that he was also close to finishing.

Vintage let out a submissive moan, finishing inside Y/N. Not like he couldn't avoided doing it inside of her, Y/N was sitting on him.

Y/N let her juices flow over Vintage's junk. Her perverted smile remained plastered on her face while she got off of Vintage's plopping next to him on the floor.






sorry for being bad at writing sex scenes haha 

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