Rider x *Thicc* Reader

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Requested by Shadow_Pugs

E/C= Eye color

H/G= Headgear

C/G= Clothing gear

S/G= Shoe Gear (Is that how you say it? idk)

I/O= Inkling or Octoling

Rider's POV

My temper was being tested once again by Goggles. He was nagging me to go with him to Wahoo World for the fourth time. I finally sighed in defeat and agreed to go with him.

"Oooh, this is gonna be so fun! You," Goggles cheered as we walked through the entrance. "We're gonna have so much fun!" I shot a death glare at the upbeat child.

We wondered around, wondering what ride we would go on first. Goggles then took notice of two teams playing Turf Wars against each other. Goggles tugged onto the sleeve of my jacket.

"Ooh! Rider! Can we play some Turf Wars? pweeeeease?" he begged. I shook my head.

"No. I didn't bring my weapon-"

"It's okay, I brought it~"

Goggles pulled out my Gold Dynamo out of nowhere and shoved it into my hands.

"C'mon, let's go!" Goggles shouted as he ran off.

I ran after him, frantically checking to make sure the bastard didn't scratch my precious Gold Dynamo.

Smol Time Skip uwu

Goggles and I rose from the blue-colored ink, along with two random teammates. I glanced at the two strangers next to me. One of them caught my attention.

It was a female I/O with E/C-colored eyes that glistened in the sunlight. She was wearing a C/G and a pair of S/G, along with some H/G to compliment the rest of her outfit.

The whistle blew, signaling that the battle was starting. I watch the I/O run off to ink the spawn area. My eyes shifted towards her shorts. I spent about 10 seconds staring at her thighs and ass-


"Rider, are you staring at that girl? You haven't really inked anythi-" I cut Goggles off.

"I-I'm not staring!" I lied. Goggled rolled his eyes.

"Okay, whatever you say~"

I made a small 'tch' sound before inking the ground and arriving at the middle of the stage. The I/O from before was in front of me, blocking enemies from getting in the middle. 

I noticed ink being fired into our direction. I dodged them, but something happened during the process. While the girl was trying to dodge them, she fell on top of me...

and she was on my lap.

"G-gah! S-sorry!" she anxiously said while quickly getting off of me.

"It's fine," I mumbled while standing back up.

There was an awkward tension for the rest of the battle, but, nevertheless, we won.

Goggles stretched his arms while we were walking out of the stage.

"Mmmmm, that was fun! Don't you agree, Rider?" Goggles turned his head into my direction, only to see me walking away.

I noticed the girl from earlier leaning onto a wall, away from the crowd of cephalopods.

"Hey, you." I pointed my finger towards her direction, which caught her attention. The girl hummed in response, and I walked up to her.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"It's Y/N," she replied while nervously fiddling with her hands.

"Cute name. I'm Rider." I pulled out a piece of paper with my number on it and handed it to her. 

"Here. So we can know each other better."

Y/N looked at the paper and I walked back to Goggles. Goggles excitedly grinned widely at me.

"Did you give her your number! OMG I SHIP YOU TWO-" I covered his mouth with my hands.

"Shut up or I'll beat you up with my roller!" I embarrassingly shouted. I uncovered Goggles' mouth, who just giggled in response.




uwu if Rider loves thicc people then he would love Big Chungus-

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