An Actual Aloha x Fem Reader Lemon

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ok you horny bitches

btw the reader and Aloha are 18+ in this I don't want the fbi at my door

also I can't write lemons for shit 

Y/N's Pov

"Jeez, I'm exhausted.." I groaned to myself. 

Seriously, how do people party for hours straight without getting tired? Do these party animals have no life?!

...Never mind I already know the answer to that question.

Even the seizure-inducing lights they flash all the time is enough to give me a massive headache. Not to mention the constant and excessive screaming that come from both the party people and the bedrooms upstairs. Sometimes I wonder why I agreed to going to this party with Aloha...

Right... Aloha.

He's always been a really laid back dude and a good friend of mine. His constant flirting and compliments made me a bit flustered, but for the most part I'm used to it by now. It's not like he actually likes me that way anyway. It's just something he does to every girl he lays his eyes upon. He's basically like a playboy.

Yet... for some reason I like him.

You know, like, like-like him.

I know, it's stupid and to an extent, pretty predictable. I mean, he had hordes of rabid fangirls constantly all over them, and I'm one of them. I'm just more.. secretive about my feelings. At least I like to assume I am.


Taking a deep sigh, I made my way to the backyard of the house, my energy drained from the party. It was pitch dark outside, as it was late into the night. The only source of light was the porch light and the stars.

"Hey, princess~"

Oh fuck. That voice.

"H-Hey, Aloha."

Aloha was leaning against the house, with his arms crossed above his head, like the standard anime pose (heehee Ghost Stories reference). He had his usually smirk on his face, but for some reason it seemed somewhat different.

"What are you doing out here?" I questioned him.

"Eh, I got a bit bored and overwhelmed by the party. It's nice and quiet out here... what about you?" he replied, keeping that same dorky smile on his face.

"Same reason as you."

I had to admit, the way he looked right now... was pretty hot. His aloha shirt was messy and the top few buttons were unbuttoned.... god dammit he's so sexy what the fuck.

I walked right up besides Aloha, but right as I did, Aloha, without a warning, pinned me up against the wall.


"You know, how about you calm me down a bit~?" he smirked.

I didn't know if he was suggesting I do something casual with him or something more... perverted. A blush crept onto my face as I stood there, shocked and stuttering.

"A-Ah, u-um, Aloha wh-what do you m-mean?" I nervously asked.

"Oh, you know what I mean~" he replied, the smirk still plastered onto his face.

I could feel my body shaking and heating up from tenseness. On one hand, I was so shocked that he'd ask for something like this, but on the other hand... I kinda want it.

"S...S-Sure," I shyly replied.

Jesus Christ I'm such a bottom.

"Great~!" he beamed, "Now, just give me a moment.."

Aloha started to unbutton his shorts. I could tell he was starting to breathing heavily, and so was I.

"Get on your knees, please," he ordered me.

I obliged and got on my knees. It was a bit uncomfortable with the hard concrete, but I'd manage.

Aloha pulled down his boxers, and what popped out was his nicely sized dick. Not gonna lie, I haven't seen one in real life before, so this is... a first. His "Gal" was circumcised, and was standing up proudly.

"You know what to do, Y/N~" Aloha spoke.


He's wrong. I literally have no idea how to do this. I'm not a profreshional dick sucker.

Attempting to seem like I have an inkling of knowledge of oral, I gently licked the tip. Looking up as I was doing this, I could see Aloha's smug, yet timid and lustful face.

I cupped my hand around the shaft of his dick, and slowly and steadily started to take in his "Gal". Of course I wouldn't be able to take in the full thing... it's way too big. A small audible groan escaped Aloha's mouth, which made me feel all tingly inside.

I started gently sucking, not wanting to go full intense at just the start. My hand was pumping the parts I didn't take in. 

Aloha couldn't help himself, as he started to moan due to the s u c c he was recieving. He covered his mouth with his hand, as to try and not alert anyone so we won't get caught.

Chuckling a bit, I started bobbing my head along with sucking and pumping harder. I wasn't sure if I was doing it well or even correctly, but based on Aloha's reaction, I assume he's having a good time. 

I felt his "Gal" twitch in my mouth, and before I knew it, white liquid was spewing into my throat. It took a bit for Aloha to finish his load, but once he did I quickly pulled away, coughing and attempting to swallow it all.

Aloha was breathing heavily, and his face was covered with a bright pink.

"Th-Thanks, sunshine. I should ask you to calm me down more often~"




Plot twist, the S4 saw the whole thing

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