{Chapter 19}

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{Friend or enemy?}


"Who smells like cigarettes?" Damian asked, eyebrows pulled together.

Vince didn't respond for a moment, rendered speechlessly. "He..." Vince paused, horrified. He was trying to figure out how to word whatever he wanted to say. He stood up again, pacing around the patio. His brain was racing, and he felt like shouting.

Damian flickered his gaze to Luke, silently asking him what was going on... Vince was acting hysterically. It was apparent that he knew something they didn't, and it was distressing them.

"Would you sit down and tell us what the hell is going on? Who smells like cigarettes, and what's wrong with you?" Damian finally demanded. He couldn't keep waiting for Vince to calm down and tell them.

Vince kept pacing, unable to stay still, but he started talking, "Mira told me last time, the person who was carrying her to the basement smelt like cigarettes." He paused, feeling suffocated. Some thoughts are hard to say out loud; hearing them coming out of your mouth is like acknowledging how true they are.

"But you can't smell while you are asleep..." He trailed off, then cursed, "At first, I was suspecting dad, he was the only one who could and would do such a thing, but I asked her... J-just to make sure, to have any evidence that would confirm my suspicions," He clenched his teeth, forcing himself to continue.

"Cigarettes?" Damian could feel his heartbeat picking up pace. "But dad doesn't smoke... Wait, Rei was awake?" he frowned, troubled by his thoughts. In some way, Damian knew precisely what Vince was saying... he was confirming his previous theory... He knew Luke was also connecting the dots, but it was too heavy and hard to swallow.

Vince's eyes blazed with rage. "Exactly," he almost shouted, running his fingers through his hair, frustrated. He was fuming with anger, "T-that bastard," He choked out, unable to finish the sentence. His heart was throbbing in his ears, loud and irregular, but he barely heard it, for his mind was clouded with anger. "When I caught him yesterday, he s-smelled like cigarettes," He continued with difficulty. Out of his anger, even talking became difficult for him.

Vince swore under his breath and put his hand over his mouth to stifle a scream. It was his fault... he had the chance to catch him, and he failed. He failed his sister... The thought brought tears to his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

Luke's features darkened. He listened patiently to Vince's explanation, not expecting such a thing... or maybe he did, but he was just in denial. He zoned out, calculating the possibilities of this theory and planning their next moves.

"Rayan! You came!" Miray's sweet voice broke them from their thoughts. They all shifted their eyes to where Rayan was standing right next to them.

Rayan didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation; he just came at the wrong time and didn't know what to do. They were in a heated discussion, so he just stayed in place. It was their fault for not noticing him. It's not like he was hiding, the kid was right in front of them.

Vince immediately turned away, unable to face his little sister... at least not right now. He didn't want her to see the current expression on his face. 

Damian cleared his throat, "Oh, hi, Rayan." He said casually. "You can join Noah and Rei," He suggested, trying to act as normal as possible.

Rayan wasn't in the mood to play or join anyone, and he would've preferred just to be left alone. However, one look at his grandma, who was watching him from the kitchen, made him sigh in defeat.

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