{Chapter 93}

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Miray was taken directly to the hospital emergency. The brothers waited outside with their hearts jumping in their chests.

Damian held Noah, who was still crying painfully. And only when he calmed down did the brothers interrogate him, asking him about what happened.

Noah told them everything. From the moment his father stormed into their room and gripped Miray by her hair to when he locked Miray in the bathroom.

The brothers were livid, and Vince asked Noah why he didn't call them earlier. But Noah shakily told him the phone he gave him was turned off when he tried to use it.

The doctor walked off Miray's room with a grim expression. He told the brothers to follow him to his office, and once they were all inside, he announced the terrible news.

Much water got into Miray's lungs, irritating the lungs' lining. The fluid built up caused a condition called pulmonary edema.

The doctor explained to the brothers what Pulmonary edema meant. Describing it as a condition caused by too much fluid in the lungs where the fluid collects in the many air sacs in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.

In general, it can either be caused by cardiac conditions or by other factors unrelated to heart problems like drowning, for example.

He assured them they'd got oxygen flowing through a face mask to help Miray breathe. However, they were worried she might suffer from Asthma which is a long-term condition that would affect the airways in her lungs.

Hence, she might depend on asthma inhalers in the future.

A prolonged and uncanny silence followed.

The brothers were devastated.

Each sentence that came out of the doctor's mouth felt like a stab to their hearts.

The thoughts of their father's drowning Miray weighed heavy in their empty guts, and the back of their throats burned.

The air felt suddenly heavy, too heavy, and they couldn't breathe, hearts thudding in their chests.

They felt overwhelmed.

It felt surreal, like watching a tragic movie.

The events might tear your heart's apart, yet you're unable to do anything but watch it with tearful eyes and clenched heart.

You wish you could enter the movie and change the circumstances, but you're stuck in a separate universe.

Damian's hands shook, his feet tingled, and his vision blurred with tears. He tried to swallow miserably, but something was stuck in his throat. He tried so hard to focus on the doctor's speech, in vain.

His mind was too frantic and all over the place that it was almost impossible to focus on anything.

A crashing sound brought him back to reality, and he looked around, watching as Luke and Vince were almost fighting.

What was happening?

He tried to stand up, but the whole room spun, and his vision went fuzzy and black for a few seconds.

"Listen to me! This is our chance; he won't escape this. He will be jailed, just trust me," Luke said reassuringly, if not somewhat desperately, as his hands cupped Vince's face.

Vince's shoulders shook as he cried, shaking his head fervently. "WHEN?" he practically yelled, fingers clinging to the front of the elder's shirt, "When Luke? When? When we bury her underground?" he asked shakily, sobbing.

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