{Chapter 43}

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Quadruple update? I kinda didn't want to leave you with that cliffhanger... So I wrote this quickly (I didn't edit or even read it yet, so...)

Anyway, enjoy!!!

Vince's eyes flared with anger, "What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed, putting his phone in his pocket without ending the call.

"Hello to you too, honey." the woman replied withheavy sarcasm, her eyes darting around the place in desire and envy. "So you're living here now." she voiced.

She could've been living here as well... she deserves to live here too, not in her crumby place.

Vince walked closer, "I said, what are you doing here," he gritted out, feeling his temper flare.

The woman rolled her eyes and passed him, walking to the seating area, but Vince stopped her, blocking her way. "Where the hell you think you're going," he growled. A vein in his neck throbbed angrily, his face turning red from anger.

The woman tsked, "I see your father didn't teach you any manners, is this how you treat your mom?" 

"Don't freaking say that, I don't have a mother." Vince spat in sheer disgust, the word felt like venom on his tongue.

Lucy smiled, taking a step closer, "Oh, come on, stop playing difficult, didn't you come searching for me because you miss your mama? Well, here I am, come give me a hug." she stepped closer, opening her arms for a hug with a plastic smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Vince made a grimace of disgust and flinched, recoiling, "DON'T FREAKING TOUCH ME," 

Bile rose in his throat, his mind raced, and he felt utterly nauseous and wretched.

It was his fault for searching for her...

Lucy didn't give up, "Oh come on, baby boy, I know you miss your mama, no need to be shy about it." she teased, grinning wide and raising her hand to touch his arm.

Vince made a low sound in his throat, a mixture between a roar and a growl, "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME." he repeated, feeling his skin crawl with nerves, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up.

His stomach hurt, and he felt nauseous again.

Recognition dawnedon Lucy's face, and she paused. "Is this because of last time? Come on, don't be a *****, I was just teasing you. You know I won't **** a teenager," she laughed, rolling her eyes.

She was talking about that day as if it was nothing...

That day was a nightmare for Vince, and he still couldn't get over it, no matter what he did. Every time the memory surfaced, Vince felt his skin crawl and wanted to remove every part her hands touched... It felt dirty, filthy, repulsive, and gross.

Bile rose in his throat, and his stomach clenched. He felt sick - Literally - he felt like he might throw up - he needed to throw up... not just the food in his stomach but also his memories of that day and everything related to this woman.

He couldn't believe this was the woman who gave birth to him... This was the woman he wished to meet... This was the woman he searched for...

The woman looked so cheap, vulgar, and sick... mentally sick - Just like him.

Why was he so incredulous?  'Like mother like son' - he thought bitterly.

Vince finally managed to find his voice, though his hands were trembling. "Leave," he said, voice strangled.

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