{Chapter 95}

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Vince was falling apart, barely breathing.

He ran around like a madman, asking everyone if they had seen the little girl in the red dress on his screen.

The picture he took just a few minutes earlier.

He immediately called Luke, sobbing out and asking for help.

"L-Luke, Luke, Rei is g-gone, she's not h-here," Vince could barely speak, the tears blurring his vision as he ran around, "Lou, please, p-please Lou, help me," he sobbed, his whole body shaking.

Luke's heart leaped into his throat, and he pressed the brakes, almost crashing into another car. He cursed out loud and asked Vince to send him his location immediately.

He fought a rising panic and informed the police, asking them to send help to the location he had sent.

He couldn't afford to panic, he had important things to do.

Finding his sister.

He called Damian and told him about the situation. The latter immediately borrowed his friend's car, and speed drove to the park, panic surging through him.

While driving to the park, Luke hoped that Miray had just lost her way and would be easily found.

However, once he saw the dead dog, all his hopes evaporated and turned into pure terror.

He asked for more help, knowing that when a child is abducted, the first three hours were the most critical in finding them.

They needed to find her as soon as possible.

He informed the police about the whole situation and told them about the man who had been stalking her before. They'd already reported it before; hence the police took the case seriously.

Especially when Steven's father paid all the media platforms to put Miray's picture in the headlines. Miray's case immediately caught the attention of the whole country, and everyone wanted to help, posting her picture on social media.

Steven took Ren and Noah home, the two were a sobbing mess asking him to take them with him.

They also wanted to search for Miray.

Noah was feeling awful, guilt creeping up his spine.

If only he had waited for her.

If only he had followed her.

If only he had never left...

Ren gripped Steven's t-shirt and begged him to bring his friend back.

Steven's heart broke both for the little girl and his baby brother. He promised his brother he would do everything he could to find her and bring her back home safe and sound.

And he meant it.


Kaiden was scrolling through the city, his hands in his pockets- or more like Vince's coat's pockets. He was hungry and needed to find food as soon as possible before he collapsed again.

"Hey!" he growled when a man bumped into him, almost knocking him off. He glared at the masked man angrily, but when he saw the little girl in his arms, he huffed and chose to let it go.

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