{Chapter 44}

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TADA! As promised!

Please enjoy!




Once Lucy left, the brothers parted their ways. Luke went directly to the police station to file a restraining order against Lucy, while Damian took Miray to his room to treat her cut, followed by Noah and Rayan.

The two brothers were both furious at the way things went.

Luke didn't want that woman anywhere near his siblings, especially Vince. One encounter with her was enough for him to make his decision.

Damian placed his sister on his bathroom counter and silently searched for the first aid kit. His anger stirred at the sight of her bleeding cut, though he remained silent while treating it.

Miray hissed in pain when Damian applied the antiseptic cream, but when Damian looked at her worriedly, she smiled sheepishly.

Noah and Rayan were watching silently as Damian covered her cut with a band-aid.

"Never do that again, do you hear me?" Damian finally said, looking her dead in the eyes, and it was probably the most serious tone Miray had ever heard.

Miray gazed up at him, not saying anything. Yet, her eyes carried loads of questions and objections.

"What you did today was absolutely wrong, and I want you to promise never to do that again." He said again, and this time, Miray chose to speak up.

"But she hurt V," she countered, her gaze challenging. She believed she did the right thing and didn't see anything wrong with her previous actions. And if she had another chance, Miray would do it again and again.

"MIRAY EVANS!" Damian exclaimed sternly, looking a lot more frustrated than he had a moment ago. The thought of his sister getting hurt and not caring about her well-being made his blood boil.

What if the woman physically hurt her? What if they weren't there?  What if she did this with someone else and got herself hurt? What if her heart problem got worse... what if they lost- Even his brain couldn't go there...

He forced himself to calm down and ignore the blood pulsing through his veins at that thought. 

Both Noah and Rayan shifted uncomfortably, afraid Damian would also mess up like Luke. He seemed highly pissed off, and they both didn't like his tone with Miray.

Miray eyes flickered with defiance, "She hurt V first. She was a bad woman. She can't hurt V," her words were tense with emotion, and her eyes became glassy.

Damian sighed and raked a hand through his hair. He needed to calm down, she was a kid, and she didn't understand, he needed to explain this gently to her so she could understand - he kept reminding himself.

"Rei, never interfere in a grown-up dispute. Vince is old enough to defend himself, he doesn't need your backup. And since when biting people was okay?" Damian countered back, emphasizing the word biting. He still couldn't believe his sister did that, Miray was never violent.

Miray's expression fell, and her lower lip quivered. Vince didn't need her backup? Why not? Wasn't she allowed to defend her brother? Wasn't she his sister? Why can't she do that? Vince was hers, they even got married... and no one is allowed to hurt her people.

Damian's expression softened as if able to read her thoughts and looked at her desperately, "Rei, if you get hurt, Vince would feel horrible, and you will end up hurting him more than that woman. Not even Vince, you will end up hurting all of us... Seeing you getting hurt is more painful." He explained more gently.

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