{Chapter 86}

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First, thank you for your support and kind words on the previous chap, it made my day!

For that, here's a very, very long present chapter 😉🥰

Please keep expressing your thoughts because it keeps me updated!

+ Don't forget to vote 💙 (Idky the Votes dropped since Ch80... guys Vote!)





Adam and his family visited as they had promised, only to be met with the news of Miray not wanting to meet them. No matter how many times Luke and Damian tried, no matter how many times Adam's family apologized, Miray refused to meet them.

She couldn't forget the way they all came together to hurt her brother.

The news pained Adam to no extent, which in turn distressed his kids, who loved their father dearly.

Adam couldn't leave knowing that he had made his orphan nephew upset. He looked at Luke helplessly, "What should we do? What would make her forgive me?"

Both Luke and Damian felt bad and even embarrassed by Miray's unusual stubbornness. She was never this unforgiving.

And Adam didn't deserve this treatment at all.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her. I'm sure she's just grumpy because she hates waking up in the morning." Luke said, his forehead creasing in sympathy.

Adam sighed and nodded, looking worried.

Luke entered Miray's room again and gave an exhalation of frustration at the sight in front of him.

Miray was snuggling against Vince's shoulder, watching some cartoons.

"Did they leave?" Vince asked, looking up at Luke with a smug smirk.

Miray snuck a look at Luke, then glanced back at the iPad on Vince's hold, trying to ignore her brother.

"You need to stop it," Luke threatened, stepping closer and giving Vince a pointed look. "I thought we'd already solved this yesterday, don't make me repeat myself."

"I'll write them a letter later," Vince waved his hand dismissively.

Luke was about to explode when Damian walked in and placed his hand on Luke's shoulder, squeezing lightly, silently asking him to relax.

"Okay, that's enough," Damian said, shooting Vince a hard look, then flickered his eyes toward his sister, "Rei, you need to say bye to your uncle, he came all the way here to greet you!" he said softly, sitting on the bed next to them.

Miray snuggled closer to Vince and buried her face in his neck, avoiding her brothers' eyes.

"Your uncle is very upset, and he really wants to see you before he leaves," Damian added, watching Miray's expression crumble.

He could see she was giving up.

Miray hated making people upset.

"Well she doesn't want to," Vince said smugly.

Luke's face hardened, "Because of you!" he snapped, his features twisting in anger. "Stop manipulating her! It's not funny," he growled, quivering with frustration.

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