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*Lana's POV*

"Fuck you." I hissed, adrenaline pumping through me.

I was shaking and panicking but the anger was making me brave - that's how it works. Until the angry adrenaline suddenly runs out.

And then I'm back in reality again.

Shit what have I done?

I looked over at Jason and Patrick helping Andy out of the room, followed by Mr Mursey, then down at Eddie again, who is grinning up at me with blood running around his mouth.

He looks good. What the fuck. No I can't be catching feelings ever again, never going to let myself get hurt again, especially not by Eddie Munson, that would be so weird.

But why did he stick up for me? Why is he smiling at me like that? Why is he trying to be friends again? I don't get it.

Mrs Clive and Mr Jones we're shouting and I didn't know if it was at me or Eddie, probably both of us but I didn't care, I'm not capable of listening to them right now.

I watched Eddie as he stood up and brushed himself off, a confident grin still plastered on his face and he says to me "That was hardcore." But before I even had time to process his compliment, Mr Jones grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away.

"Both of you, my office, now!"

Mr Jones' office on the first day? This is a really bad start.

I awkwardly stepped around the desk that had been pushed over in the fight and through the crowd of my asshole classmates, most of them glaring at me as I left the room behind Eddie.

"It's the first day and you two couldn't keep it together! No surprise from you Munson! But you used to be better than this Miss Blau." Jones angrily lectured as we paced through the halls, his voice echoing against the linoleum, one of his hands firm on Eddie's shoulder.

He carried on talking, all annoying words, and I unconsciously blurred it out - mind focused other things. There were so many thoughts racing around uncontrollably, an unfortunately familiar feeling, and it makes my brain feel like tangled, itchy rope.

"I'm so dumb why did I hit him with a metal chair leg?? In his head too. I hate myself. Why am I so impulsive? Why can't I just think for a second before I act? I'm such a fucking idiot." My thoughts begin to trail but then Jones shouts again.

"Lana! Did you hear anything I just said?"

I looked up at him and realise he and Eddie were both staring at me; Jones looking angry and Eddie still smiling, clearly pleased with himself.

"He looks hot with that blood on his face. No stop it. You can't like anyone ever again. Since when is Eddie a fighter too? I must've missed out on a lot of shit when I wasn't paying attention. How many years has it been since I actually properly thought about him?"

"Lana!" Jones snapped again, which made Eddie chuckle slightly.

"Sorry." I blushed, realising I was probably just stood silently staring at them for too long.

"I said Miss Blau, you can sit just outside my office while I talk to Munson. Wait here and don't move!"

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now