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(Major trigger warning SA)

Eddie didn't try to talk to Lana the next day, or the day after that, or even for a week after that and Lana didn't try to talk to him either. They were both riddled with anxiety, not knowing how to even initiate the conversation and instead just longingly watching eachother when the other weren't looking.

All day the next Thursday, Robin tried to convince Lana to just go over and apologise to him, seeing how upset her friend was over the situation, but as per Lana ignored her friends advice and sat in a depressed, high slump. She didn't even notice Billy momentarily pass through the cafeteria, her head resting in her arms on the table.

Steve and Robin shot him sharp glares as his eyes hovered over to Lana for a second, which he noticed and thought nothing of. They'd both seen him a couple times in school since the last incident, but Lana being drugged up and barely present, had managed to avoid crossing paths with him so far.

He could only look at her for a second before any one else would notice but that was all he needed. He could see she wasn't happy and that meant she was on drugs, exactly how he wanted her. She'd shown him how easy she still was to dominate the other night, it was something he'd missed.

When she got home that evening, she immediately took a couple of fentanyl and a couple of xanax, just wanting to not be stuck in her own head, not really caring if she woke up for school the next day. For the last week and a half, it had been her daily process to come home and take a fentanyl, but today she decided to take considerably more due to her bad mood.

She almost immediately passed out, not even being awoken by the loud bangs at her door a few hours later, despite them vibrating through the trailer. 

"Come on Lana I know you're in there!"

Still, not even a stir from the girl.

Billy was frustrated now, used to getting his own way immediately. He knew she'd probably just taken something and passed out, but with the liquor he'd consumed flowing around his system he only had one thing in mind.

He also knew about the spare key, she'd had to use it in front of him before. So he began lifting up the bricks loosely placed around until he found the right one.

A grin formed across his face as he slid the key in the door and let himself in. He'd never actually been inside her trailer before, her mum being home during the time they were seeing each other - but now Mrs Blau had left for months working away on a cruise ship, he didn't have to worry about seeing her.

"Lana! Daddy's home!" He announced loudly as he walked around the trailer but still no response from her.

He eventually walked into her bedroom and slowly paced around, inspecting her belongings as she lay passed out on her bed.

It's even more dark than he thought it would be.

He noted the dresser side that was covered in pills, tissues and razors, and he nearly scoffed. Of course she's cutting herself again. Fucking insane girl.

"Hey Lana, time to wake up." He sat down next to her and whispered, which did earn a groan from her but still her eyes didn't open.

He grabbed her shoulder and shook, only earning another groan from her, something that was beginning to annoy him.

Billy began groping and kissing the girl, deciding he would wake her up one way or another. Slowly, he moved down her body with his mouth, leaving a trail of hickies from her collarbone to her hips, until he reached her underwear. The sudden harsh grip and pulling down of her trousers finally woke Lana up, still groggy and confused.

"Billy? How did you get in?" She stuttered and sat up for a moment before her body promptly crashed back into the bed and her eyes rolled back, heavy and useless from the drugs.

"About time you woke up." He grunted, not bothering to look up at her face as he focused on removing her underwear. "Just sit back and relax, daddy's gonna make you feel good."

"No stop it-" she began to groan but he cut off her quiet protest by sticking his fingers inside of her.

Tears began to form in her eyes as she lay back, struggling to even speak let alone fight the muscled man.

Just go back to sleep. Leave your body.

He wasn't letting her go back to sleep though, grabbing her hips with enough force to leave dark bruises there and digging his nails in, purposely trying to hurt her.

By time he finished having sex with her, her hip bones and waist were covered in scratches and bruises. He roughly pulled her underwear back up before collapsing beside her, satisfied with himself as he stared at the girl.

"Why are you crying? Did I hurt you too much?" He rubbed his thumb under her eyes and planted a soft kiss on her cheek but she stayed sat in numb silence, staring at the ceiling.

She might as well have been a corpse, all energy completely drained from her and her mind completely blank, she didn't have any thing to say or think except I need more drugs.

"More fents." She whispered, the words barely audible. "Please."

Billy sat up with a smug smile and grabbed his jeans from the ground before pulling them on and digging around the pockets.

"Here you go, you little junkie." He scoffed and put the baggie on her dresser. "It's with all your shit on your side."

"Give it here." Her voice was still quiet and shaking but more firm than before.

"Are you serious? You're gonna kill yourself if you take any more of these tonight." He sat back down on the end of her bed and gently traced his hand along her leg. "You're no good to anyone dead."

These moments of softness from him only wound her up. She hated being so confused. Care from any man was enough to light a fuse in her belly, but she didn't want it from him.

Lana scoffed and with a struggle rolled onto her side, away from Billy. "Fuck off Billy."

He was annoyed by her slurred words for a moment, before reminding himself of how fucked up she was and instead finding it amusing and chucking her the baggie.

"I'll see you tomorrow Lana. Don't kill yourself before then." He smiled, picking up his vest and walking out of the room.

Meanwhile, Steve was just pulling up into the trailer park, having had a bad, heavy gut feeling and wanting to check on Lana, and immediately noticed Billy's car badly parked a few feet away from her trailer and her front door slightly open.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now