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A/N: hiii I know I haven't updated in forever I'm sorry I literally work all the time and when I'm not at work I'm high and also I've been actually writing a John Shelby fic that is hopefully way better than this one so pls do check it out when I publish!!! Love all of u hope you're all doing well!'

Song is Blue Monday by New Order
So fckn cool

*Lana's POV*

I headed away from the dance floor in a drunken, giddy haze. The night had been amazing, apart from not being on any hard drugs, but even that was ignorable. My mind instead focused on Eddie; his beautiful face, contagious grin, glorious body.

God how lucky I am.

...And drunk.

After a slight stumble through the crowd, I reached the bar and stood waiting to be served. The people around me were mostly completely plastered, more so than me, and a few were openly sniffing bumps off their keys. It made me hunger for what they had, just for a moment.

Standing in silence was a surprising social break that I didn't realise I wanted until it happened. My body and brain felt relaxed just for a second before being rudely interrupted by a harsh tap on my side.

Annoyed, I turned and saw the short tattooed man from earlier, even more fucked up than he was before. His jaw clenched in a way that revealed he'd done stimulants and his head shook in a way that showed he'd done too much.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Let me buy you a drink!" He declared, putting his hand on my waist.

The sudden contact made me jump and I pushed his arm away from me.

"You shouldn't just touch a girl like that without her permission you know." I tried to sound stern but my words were slurred and I could barely see straight.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"How about like this?" As he chortled out the words, his hand quickly moved to playfully grab my ass but someone shoved him before he could touch me.

I instantly knew who it was, who else would it be? He is my knight in shining armour after all.

"Yo dude back off for real." His voice was calm but assertive in a way that showed his dominance.

Eddie's strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me tightly into his side. I saw the man's eyes widen for a moment and his whole demeanour changed, nodding and silently walking away.

"He didn't even try to fight you or anything!" I laughed.

"That's because he knows me." Eddie said quietly before planting a short kiss on my forehead. I didn't get a chance to ask him what that meant as Jimbo came barrelling over, red faced from the alcohol and sweaty from the dancing.

"Jamie's just thrown up, we should leave before they make us clean it up." He rolled his eyes but had a smile on his lips. "Unless you wanna deal with Barb."

Barb was the scary bar manager, I'd never met her but apparently the boys knew her well and judging from their expressions, we didn't want to deal with her. Eddie tutted and laughed before grabbing my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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