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Heyy! How have u all been? I've just finished writing a rly good chapter that I can't wait for u all to see!! I like to keep at least 4 chapters ahead of actually publishing just in case I need to go back and edit something soo be ready for 37 and 38!! I'm so excited to see ur reactions. For now have this mediocre chapter (joking.... hopefully). Also pls do comment as much as possible and vote I would rly like to see more ppl reading this!!! Love u all xx

The days up until Friday passed so slowly for Lana and Eddie, despite both of them busying themselves after school hours. Lana had spent one evening with Robin, one evening at Joyce's and one evening studying, being the most productive she'd been in a long time.

Sobriety was becoming easier, despite the slight nausea and aches she still felt, the emotional reward of staying sober kept playing through her mind; how happy her friends would be if she kept clean, graduating high school, getting a clear head again.

Now it was Friday and every lesson was dragging like hell. Neither Steve nor Billy had turned up to school that week, a slight relief for Lana, but with every corner she turned she still dreaded seeing Billy stood there with an enraged look on his face. Every night she was having a nightmare about him. Sometimes he'd be hurting her and sometimes he'd be hurting her friends.

As she sat trying to listen to the teacher, all that she could focus on was the nightmare she'd had the night before. Was it a premonition? Or am I just being crazy?  The image of Billy kept flashing through her mind and giving her anxiety, but she was being slowly drawn away from the bad thoughts by focusing on the good ones, like seeing Eddie tonight.

Meanwhile, Eddie was also giddy thinking about seeing Lana that night, struggling to pay attention as all he could think about was her. He hadn't thought much about what would happen if he saw Billy in school, as much as he still wanted to beat him, he wasn't worth getting expelled over.

He sat at the back of his class next to Gareth, who he'd now confessed everything to after a few beers at Hellfire the night before. He was the one friend who he truly trusted with his feelings and secrets and who he knew only had the best intentions for him. They didn't need to hang out all the time to know they would always have each others backs.

They both whispered to each other in between taking notes, occasionally letting out a quiet snicker. Until the girl in front of them who happened to be Cassie Montgomery - one of the meanest girls in all of Hawkins - turned around with a scowl.

"God you two are so annoying!" She hissed and then put her hand up and shouted to the front. "Miss Maddy! Can you tell the freak to shut up! I can hear him whispering and it's really bothering me!"

Everyone turned to look at the two as Miss Maddy turned and sighed, sick of this girl only a month and a half into the year.

"Everyone was whispering Cassie, I told you to have a quiet discussion with your partner about the last chapter - which you would know if you were listening." She replied with a flat tone.

Eddie grinned to himself. Miss Maddy is sick. But then Cassie, clearly embarrassed, started raising her voice again.

"He- he was talking about selling drugs! You know that he does that right? Surely he should be expelled for that!"

"Yo shut the fuck up." Eddie and a chorus of his customers quickly shouted at her, which made her visibly uncomfortable.

She probably wasn't expecting to see even one other person stand up for Eddie Munson, let alone four - and they weren't even all "losers" meaning their opinions greatly mattered to her.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now