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(Major trigger warning)

*Lana's POV*

"How you been?" He asked, a slur to his voice.

Great. He's drunk. I can't do this.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed and then started walking again, turning away from him.

How have I been? Not great thanks to you!

I went to press play on my music again but he started to drive slowly beside me and shout out the window.

"Come on Lana! I just wanna talk!"

I don't know if I'm more scared or angry. I'm too many feelings right now. What do I even say.

"What do you want Billy?" I turned and shouted back at him. My heart would've been beating a thousand miles an hour if not for the Xanax.

"I wanna talk! I miss you!"

I miss you. God those words hurt to hear. I've missed him so much. But why? I know he's awful. I know he doesn't respect me.

Why do I do this to myself?

I can't let myself fall for it again. Fuck him.

"Go home, you're too drunk to be driving." I groaned and quickened my pace, pressing play on my earphones.

Just ignore him. Robin's is like fifteen minutes away. You can do it.

I was walking about a minute until he sped off, making me breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

I've been so scared of this moment. But I dealt with it pretty well.

Well done Lana.

Do another Xan to reward yourself.

Good idea.

Grinning at myself, I dug around in my bag until I found the metal tin and then quickly took a pill out and swallowed it, not needing a drink to wash it down but wishing I had one.

I was only walking another minute until I saw headlights coming fast down the road towards me.

Guess he's not going home then.

As I thought he was about to pass me, he suddenly slammed on the breaks, making a loud screech erupt from the tires I could hear even over my music.


I suddenly regret taking that other Xan.

I quickly pulled out my earphones as he jumped out the car and stumbled towards me, smiling but clearly frantic.

"Come on Lana! Let's catch up!" He slurred with a grin.

For fucks sake.

"No Billy. You're drunk." I sighed, trying not to look too much at him.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now