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"Yeah I wasn't scoffing because I disagree with you. I was scoffing because Harrington took your drugs and you're gonna have a hard time getting them back."

Lana's heart dropped and her eyes widened. She abandoned the bacon and paced into her bedroom, desperately looking around the sides.

"I'm telling you he took it all Lana! There's no point looking!" Eddie called from the sofa, not bothering look up as he heard the clattering.

His head was a mess, physically and emotionally; his face bruised, his hair tangled and his thoughts all over the place.

Where could he even start with this girl?

There were so many things to talk about, so many questions to ask.

He only had half the picture at this point, small nuggets of truth to build an idea around, but the truths he had only uncovered more questions.

It was best to leave it right now though.

She'd been through a lot, even just in the last twenty four hours, it would be harsh to push her for any more truths right now.

It disturbed Eddie how seemingly unbothered by Billy's assault she was. How little she had reacted overrall. And it gave him the idea that she was used to this kind of behaviour, only making his worry build more.

He wanted to fucking kill Billy. His mind kept circling back to it. Back to the image of her; bruised and barely conscious, lying violated in her own bed. It made him unconsciously grit his teeth and clench his fists.

But he couldn't stay stuck on it. Obviously, Lana didn't want to think about it and he couldn't blame her. Right now the problem being addressed was the drugs, the easier one in Eddie's opinion, so he was slightly relieved.

"The bacon's burning!" He called out to Lana again just as she paced out of her room, a baggie in her hand and a gleam in her eye as she looked at it.

"Found one! One fucking xan!" She quickly picked the bacon from the pan and threw it onto a plate before grabbing the bread and butter from the cupboard.

"I can't believe that fucking asshole took my pills. After we eat this were going straight to his."

As she quickly passed Eddie his sandwich and began to eat hers, he chuckled and rolled his eyes again.

"They're coming here, him and Robin apparently. And you won't be calling him an asshole after seeing the beating he took for you. You know he's just trying to be a good friend."

Lana knew Eddie was right. She felt guilty even being angry. But that wound up little addict part of her was taking charge right now and she shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed as she wolfed down her food.

Eddie found her wound up face slightly amusing, cute even, but he knew the score with addicts and was sensing how nasty this could get.

Her irritability and desperation around the drugs reminded him of his mum for a second and it made him feel heavy in his gut in a way that made him even more uncomfortable than any of the other feelings he'd experienced in the last 24 hours.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now