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For the next couple weeks, Lana and Eddie spent most days after school together and almost every weekend at the lake, even bringing their separate friend groups once to what turned out to be a surprisingly successful sesh. Steve didn't come - although he had forgiven Lana and they'd made up now. He didn't want to hang around with the likes of Luke or Jamie - but Robin came and had a good time, finding she had more in common with Luke than she thought. Much to Lana's amusement, it was clear that Luke had a crush on Robin but she didn't say anything to anyone, just wanting everyone to get along.

She and Steve had spoken everything out and things seemed like they were actually really good again. The elation everyone felt for Lana being completely sober was what kept her going; the way they actually did truly care.

That and Eddie.

Oh how they we're obsessed with each other.

They hadn't even had sex yet, the tension being there very strongly but Lana going robotic every time they got close. It was driving her crazy, she just wanted her body to know that she was safe so that it would stop turning her mind off and preparing her for trauma that wasn't going to happen.

But there was also a part of her that was kind of glad.

She was still hesitant to show him her naked body, feeling deeply insecure about every part of it. He'd felt her boobs a whole load of times and had seen her in a bra - but never bare - and while he had the patience of a saint, the wait was starting to take a toll on him mentally too. He worried that she didn't actually want to have sex with him, or that she was so psychologically scarred that he could never have sex with her - not that he wasn't satisfied with the kissing and grinding but he did think about it almost every second of the day.

God, how he wanted to fuck her.

In school they would now talk to each other but refrain from kissing or holding hands, not wanting to confirm the rumours just yet. And besides, they didn't even know what they were - how true were the rumours? No one had asked each other out or even mentioned being a couple, and neither wanted to be the one to bring it up despite it being on both of their minds consistently.

They'd managed to stop thinking about Billy so much. He had been fighting other people in school and was suspended anyway, meaning they'd barely passed by him and when they had, Lana would put her head down while Eddie would send him the meanest look he could. The rage was still there, intensified by his sexual frustration, and it took him everything not to attack the boy.

He's the reason that he can't fully have her.

But he always kept his cool; just for Lana.

He'd gone to the city with Luke and Jamie, sold the pills amongst some other things, and came home with $450 after giving Lana her cut. Now after spending some of the money on himself, getting various CD's, band tees, a leather jacket and a new amp, he had $200 and had decided he wanted to take Lana out on a real date with it.

It was getting colder and so somewhere outside didn't seem like a good idea - definitely not the lake. He thought about it for a while, and eventually decided on getting a hotel room in the city; going to a nice restaurant and then maybe a club.

So now, after a long week at school, they were sat in the front seats of the van, heading towards their weekend with great excitement. Thanks to the detentions they both ended up having, they were having to go straight to the restaurant and so were dressed up nicely already; Eddie in a suit and Lana in a dress.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now