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Meanwhile, Steve was just pulling up into the trailer park, having had a bad, heavy gut feeling and wanting to check on Lana, and immediately noticed Billy's car badly parked a few feet away from her trailer and her front door slightly open.

What the fuck has that bastard done?

He quickly parked up behind Billy and jumped out of his car, not noticing Eddie also pull up in his new van and watch the boy from his front seat.

He looks angry. I wonder why Billy's car is here too.

Only a minute passed until he saw the two erupt out the front door, throwing punches and kicks at each other. Of course he immediately jumped out at this and rushed over to the two, getting a bad feeling about whatever was happening.

"What the fuck are you two fighting about?" He loudly asked but they ignored him, wrestling on the ground now.

Steve is like her best friend, Billy must've done something to Lana.

Now worried, he rushed into the trailer, the door having been left unlocked and open, and paced into Lana's room. He could hear the two boys fighting outside but ignored it, his priorities lying with her.

As soon as he saw her, his eyes widened and his stomach flipped. It was so much worse than what he thought he'd see. He thought maybe she'd be crying over some dumb argument or he would've hit her, not hurt like this.

She was passed out on her bed, in nothing but underwear and a bra, her body covered in fresh scratches and bruises and a used condom left beside her. Tear trails stained her pale face and he could see an empty baggie clutched in one of her palms.


"Lana!" He ran over and began shaking her shoulders, trying to wake her up but to avail, not even a stir. "Shit, shit shit, fuck."

He could hear Steve and Billy still fighting outside and it suddenly clicked in his head what had happened, why Steve was out there fighting him, and a rage like no other swept over him.

He thought about the cuts in her skin, the way she'd been hurting herself over some mystery emotional turmoil, and how she'd spent all that time with Billy, how the dark look in her eyes seemed to have only been around since she left town with him.

Fucking Hargrove, he did this.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, he stormed out of the trailer and over to Billy, who was currently beating Steve and had him on the ground. Some people were crowding around watching, including Eddie's friends, but he didn't care at that point what anyone thought, he wanted to kill Billy.

"You had a go on her too-" Billy noticed Eddie coming out of her trailer and was about to say something disgustingly mysogynistic before Eddie's fist promptly hit his face with full force, sending him flying back onto the ground.

"You raped her didn't you?" Eddie spat, bending down and grabbing Billy by his neck. "Didn't you?"

Billy was bloody and bruised at this point but still drunk and smug, blind to his own actions. He scoffed at the boy and looked up at him with an amused smile despite the blood already running down his face.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now