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Lana didn't realise how much she'd missed her mum until she heard her voice and by this point, was overwhelmed with joy, throwing her arms around her in a frantic hug. They both squeezed each other tightly and almost immediately started to talk about all of the things they'd been doing since they last saw each other - Lana obviously brushing over a considerable amount.

Her mums cruise had been to the Caribbean and back, with her telling stories of the drunken passengers and funny mishaps they caused.

And in true girl style, she told her mum about stories about Eddie; both of them getting giggly and excited.

"He's a nice boy." Her mum grinned between a drag on her cigarette. "Always liked him."

"Isn't he just so nice!" Lana beamed. "And so handsome too!"

Her mum laughed and playfully tapped her before agreeing in her low, smokers voice. "Oh he is a pretty one isn't he... he'd look better if he cut that hair though. Why do boys your age have long hair now?"

Lana completely ignored that last part, obsessing over the boy. "And he has a total six pack! And these big muscly arms!" She beamed.

The older woman laughed again and shook her head. "Jesus girl! You are hooked on him aren't you?"

Clarissa Blau wasn't a bad mum like many people believed.

Sure, she could've chosen another career path -
one that would've meant she was around for more than half the year. But this job made her happy and gave her a decent enough salary to live comfortably and provide for Lana.

And it's not like she started taking the longer shifts until Lana was old enough to look after herself.

Anyway, like most mothers and daughters, when they were together they had a fairly volatile relationship - perhaps more volatile than others - that would be sweet and lovely one minute but arguing the next.

So after a few hours of calm, an argument soon erupted.

"Oh my god. What happened to your tooth?" Mrs Blau suddenly said, reaching over and grabbing Lana's face mid conversation. "It's been knocked out. Lana who hit you? Did you have a fight?"

She groaned and pulled her head away, she's gonna find out anyway.

"I had a fight... But mum it's nothing... really." She was prepared for a bad reaction despite her attempt at gentle wording, and that was what she got.

"Are you fucking serious Lana? A fight? With who? Some bitch from school again?" Her mum raised her voice and scoffed. "Over some bullshit I bet."

Lana's usual rage at being talked down to wasn't really there right now. She was too tired. Instead she felt shame and her visibly guilty face gave Mrs Blau all the confirmation she needed.

"What did they give you? A detention? Suspension? Don't tell me you got expelled!"

"Just detention!" She quickly sputtered. "I didn't even throw the first punch!"

Clarissa's tanned face softened at that, also hearing Lana's apologetic tone.

"At least there's that." She sighed at her daughter before turning and looking at the clock. "Anyway sweetie, I've got to get going. I'll see you in the morning."

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now