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Robin and Lana sat down at a table once they'd ordered some food and continued their gossipy conversations.

"So how's it been in Robin's world? Any luck in the punani realm yet?" Lana arched her eyebrow with a smirk.

Robin playfully hit her and giggled. "Stop! That's such a gross word! And no of course there hasn't been, there never is. Besides worry about you, all I do is get stoned with Steve, go to band and serve ice cream. It's pretty dull in my world."

"Well maybe we could go into the city." Lana leaned in close and whispered the next part. "There's gay bars there. Me and Billy drove past them."

Robins eyes widened at the prospect and she looked around the hall in paranoia, as if someone would be listening to their conversation.

"Are you serious Lana? That's insane! I can't go to one of those places, haven't you heard about all the seedy stuff that supposedly happens there? And besides, I don't even know how to get with a girl, what would I even do if someone approached me? And what if we saw someone we know there? My dad might find out and he'd kill me."

Lana cut her off before her anxious rambling could get any more intense. "Well if we saw someone we knew there, we would simply ask them what they are also doing in said gay bar." She chuckled, trying to soothe her. "And I doubt they're as bad as people say. I mean, don't the same people say that smoking pot is like worshipping satan?"

Robin slowly nodded, Lana's words settling in, and once she'd calmed down her erratic brain, she realised how much she'd missed Lana being the cool, collected one. The thought of how upset she was just a day prior, and how she had to blatantly lie to her to calm her down, struck a chord as she realised the irony of seeking comfort in her friend that she now realised was so lost and confused.

But even though Lana was so confused about her own affairs, she always seemed to be correct about Robins, for whatever reason.

"Yeah, you're right." The younger girl tutted to herself and then looked back up, leaning in closer in excitement. "Would you really go with me?"

"Of course! It'll be fun!" Lana grinned.

Excited, they both squealed and beamed at each other before eating their food. Robin spoke again a moment later.

"So... how's things with you and Eddie?"

Lana couldn't help but smile a little bit at the mention of his name, before being plagued by the thoughts of self doubt. She huffed and leant into her hand.

"I don't know Rob. I think I've probably scared him away after... you know." She sighed but Robin still had a grin on her face.

"Oh please, he's so into you! You've got to be stupid not to see it at this point!"

Lana blushed slightly but smiled. "You really think so?"

Robin rolled her eyes. "You're fucking insane Larn..." She scoffed and then leaned in. "He stayed up all night listening to make sure you were breathing!... He looks at you like you're an angel and I don't know why, but he's not scared of you, or any of this! I think he's a bit mad!"

Her words made Lana's stomach fill with butterflies and she couldn't help but quietly squeal in excitement. She looked into Robins eyes and they both grinned at each other for a moment before erupting into giggles.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now