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Hi guys I'm back!!! I had a massive writers block but I feel a lot more happy and motivated atm. Life has been getting slightly better lol! You might've got notifications bc I edited some previous chapters (idk if that gives notifications lol) but nothing major just some grammar mistakes. Hope ur all doing ok and I hope u all love this!!

The next morning, Eddie woke up with Lana lying on his chest and bars of light illuminating her body. He was reminded of that fateful morning when he'd first discovered her cuts, something he still hadn't spoke to her about.  Those marks were now healing into scars instead of fresh wounds, among the tens of more faded scars covering her arms and thighs - something he couldn't help but notice during last nights antics. It was one of the many things he wanted to talk to her about but just didn't know how to.

However, he put those emotions aside and instead felt dreamy at the sight of her asleep on him. If he didn't already think he loved her, after last night he was fully convinced that she was the one for him.

Not that he wasn't already obsessed with her - but he felt as if she'd cast a spell on him as soon as he saw her tits. He was still a teenage boy after all.

Right now though, she was a little angel. His little angel. Her perfectly soft skin and perfectly messy hair and perfectly still face.

All for him.

When Lana awoke just a few minutes later, she too was overcome with bliss upon looking at her lovers face. She had slept amazingly well, no nightmares, hardly even feeling her hangover, and an instant smile spread across her lips upon meeting Eddie's awe filled eyes.

"Good morning ." He grinned down at her as she yawned.

"Mornin' loser." Lana giggled slightly, cuddling tighter into his side. She moved a hand to his chiselled stomach, enjoying the feeling of her finger's tracing against his hard abs.

Thoughts of the previous night began to run through her mind, his passion still giving her goosebumps to think about and making her even more giddy than she'd ever been for the boy. Waking up in his arms was just the cherry on top of a perfect night.

She took a deep inhale of his scent- a subtle fragrance that she had secretly come to adore - before closing her eyes again as she prepared to go back to sleep. Just for five minutes.

"You're so hot." The girl quietly mumbled. "I really enjoyed last night."

This earned a small chuckle from the boy, his arm moving to cradle her and his eyes moving to hers. He noticed that she was still sleepy and thought for a moment about letting her go back to sleep but decided that he wanted her attention and therefore had to wake her up properly.

"I really enjoyed it too." He smiled, his hands slowly moving towards her stomach. "And your body is so goddamn amazing."

Before she could respond, he gently dug in his fingers and tickled, immediately putting her into a fit of shrieking laughter. After a minute - and her repeated begging for him to stop - he finally caved in as he was glad to see her sat up and wide awake.

"God you're such a dick Munson." She scoffed with a smile before doing a big stretch. "You've woken me up now, you asshole."

"Munson?" Eddie cocked his eyebrow, "You haven't called me that in a long time."

"Yeah... weird how things ended up here." Lana's mind trailed back to when they first reconnected; to her initial reason for even allowing him to get close. "The van plan..." She mumbled to herself, suddenly feeling bad about the memory.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now