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Hi I rly don't know what y'all r thinking of this fic,,, I would rly appreciate comments and votes but especially comments, I wanna talk to y'all. Thanks for reading xx

Eddie pretended everything was normal for another couple hours until Lana left to go to Robin's.

Lana was blissfully unaware of the discovery Eddie had made, instead soaking in the time spent with him, playfully fighting and flirting.

After last night and this morning, she knew she liked him, a lot, but she didn't know what to do about it.

She knew he would have sex with her, most men would, it doesn't take much to turn a guy on. But she didn't want to risk him viewing her as a side piece or easy.

That's why things got bad with Billy. He stopped seeing me as a girl and instead just as a hole.

I can't let that happen with Eddie.

But what if he only likes me because he wants to have sex with me? What if he doesn't want to actually be with me?

Maybe that's why he's been hanging out with me. Billy did tell everyone that I'm some kind of sex addicted slut.

Stop it Lana. He cares about you, he's been nothing but kind. Don't let those thoughts take over.

Today is a happy day.

Eddie meanwhile, was sat on his bed silently smoking a blunt, thinking about everything.

How much he liked Lana. How he felt like maybe she liked him back.

But also about those cuts. Those fucking scars and cuts.

How could she do that to herself?

Sure he'd cut his thighs a couple of times, but nothing that deep, nothing to that extent.

He understood her pain but also for the life of him could not wrap his brain around it.

How does she not see how perfect she is?

As soon as Wayne woke up, Eddie told him.

"I can't say anything to her. She'll get so mad. She won't talk about anything!" Eddie groaned, earning a scoff from his uncle.

"Since when are you scared of saying whatever you please? She really got you that nervous boy?" Eddie shot him a sharp look but Wayne didn't stop. "You need to man up and say something before she kills herself. Force her to talk about it or at least acknowledge it for christ sake."

"But what if she hates me for it?"

"Then she hates you for it. I thought you didn't give a shit what other people think. You know you're right for this one."

Eddie pondered on his uncles words for a while and realised he'd been acting weak.

He had to say something. He's Eddie The Freak Munson for fucks sake. No one scares him, not even the most beautiful girl he's ever met.

It eventually got to 5pm, it was dark outside already and the two teens had been doing very different things.

While Eddie was sat in silence, lost in his own thoughts, Lana had been blasting her music, dancing and getting ready for that night's shenanigans.

The bad thoughts did keep coming back though, despite her staying desperately optimistic, so she had popped a Xanax and drunk a glass of wine and was admittedly a bit fucked up already.

She knew Robin was going to be mad at her for being late, but Robin was also going to be mad at her for being high so she figured it didn't matter.

The walk was only about twenty minutes if she was fast and Steve might even end up driving past and picking her up, that's how it went a lot of the time.

So, dressed in a baggy grey jumper and long black skirt, she began to walk out of the park, looking over at Eddie's campervan with a smile as she left.

Stop being all fluttery over him, that's gonna make you weak.

But maybe he's fluttery over you too.

Stop it.

She shook her head and carried on walking, brushing off the thoughts of Eddie and instead vibing with her music; The Young Americans album by David Bowie.

The dirt road was mostly dark except for the occasional orange lamppost dotted about, the moon light was gently illuminating it enough for Lana to see though, luckily.

Few cars drove past, briefly lighting up the road until they passed. She enjoyed the darkness though, the feeling of being hidden.

But then a car that she recognized all too well pulled up beside her and she felt her whole body freeze.

That fucking blue Chevrolet.

What do I even say or do?

Billy rolled down the window and leaned over, a cigarette in his mouth as he looked up at the shocked girl.

"How you been?" He asked, a slur to his voice.

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