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Thankyou so much for your comments and votes! Every single one means so much to me!! Love u all

They spent the rest of the day sat around Eddie's trailer, playfully chatting and flirting with each other. Their physical contact was growing significantly, with gentle brushes and hands touching for a second becoming quite common.

Now it was the next morning and Lana was sat in her first class, struggling to pay attention. Eddie had drove her in that morning, much to his friends dismay, and they'd actually started talking to each other in the halls.

Things felt different from before.

She was leaning into her hand, thinking about everything that had transpired since she was last in school. What excuse would she give as to why she hadn't been in this time? How would Steve react to seeing her? Would he even be in? And what if she saw Billy? What if Eddie saw Billy? What would happen?

In the ride to school, she hadn't even thought to ask Eddie what he would do if he saw him, enjoying the lighthearted banter they were having too much, now she cursed herself for not mentioning it.

The only good news was that despite people talking about the fight between Eddie and Billy, most of them hadn't seemed to clock that she had anything to do with it and so were leaving her alone. Except for Andy and Jason. Who were sat at the desk behind her snickering and whispering. The one pill she'd taken that morning was the only thing letting her brain ignore them - she had more important things to worry about anyway.

Her body was beginning to really feel the lack of drugs in her system now, and it ached. She was tired and irritable and it made her classes drag like hell.

Until finally, it was lunch.

Lana plunked herself down on the seat next to Robin and gave her a smile.

"How you doing today then Rob?"

Robin sent her a playful glare and smirked.

"Bored, tired, the usual... how about you? I heard Eddie drove you in."

"People have really been talking about that? Damn shit is boring around here." Lana groaned. "Don't suppose you've seen Steve?"

She began to eat her sandwich as Robin replied between mouthfuls of hers.

"Steve isn't in... his mum's letting him... stay home all week... Anyway... how's you and Eddie?"

Lana couldn't help but feel giddy at the mention of his name.

"We're... good." She grinned. "He seems... almost perfect."

"Why only... almost?" Robin quickly retorted, turning to face Lana.

She thought about it for a moment before answering.

"I don't know enough about him yet I guess. And I don't want to get my hopes up too much."

"Fair enough."

Just as Robin went to speak again, Eddie loudly walked into the cafeteria with Luke and Jamie, heading straight over to their usual table. He shot Lana a quick smile before turning away from her and sitting down.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now