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AN: hey everyone I rly rly appreciate the comments on the last chapter I didn't know that many ppl actually read this so thank you so much ! I love reading ur guys comments and reactions and I'd love to hear more!! Stay safe x

Once Lana had left his, Eddie decided to get up and do something instead of sitting around sad all day.

The drug situation with Lana had caused a lot of bad memories to resurface. He'd never been able to forgive himself for his mum's death, even though he couldn't have done anymore than what he did. He had a lot of trauma associated with drug abuse because of it - specifically prescription medication; Lana's favourite.

Seeing the girl so vulnerable, someone that he thought was nearly untouchable, scared him and reminded him of his mum. He always thought that she was tough and scary, until she couldn't keep up the act anymore and he had to start looking after her.

But he was just a child then. Maybe he could get it right this time, now that he was older and smarter.

There had been fleeting moments in the time since that god awful night that he'd felt some form of control, some form of hope for Lana. But he mainly felt like a useless little boy again, acting strong but really completely unsure inside. The interaction they'd had that afternoon was a perfect example of how he felt; everything was going great and then suddenly he accidentally said the wrong thing and ruined it.

Why'd she have to be so damn complicated for?

He either felt completely comfortable and carefree around her, or crushed by the weight of his uncertainty.

But for some reason, none of this made him want her any less. If anything it made him want her more. Not even in a sexual way, he wanted to cradle her, to kiss her scars and make her feel loved. He wanted to fix her.

Maybe Mum sent her back into my life as a way to prove I can fix things.

The similarities between the two women and their problems, had that thought running through Eddie's mind on a loop. That somehow, fixing Lana would make up for not fixing his mum.

He couldn't even bare to think about the way he found her on her bed; the marks all over her, how scared she was, the way that fucking bastard just left the condom on the bed next to her and then gave her more drugs. Even if he didn't force her to take them, he was still largely responsible for her overdose, both by supplying the drugs and the emotional munition to make someone want to overdose in the first place.

The things that Robin had said also began to build a picture in his mind of how severe the situation was, or had been, only making his rage deepen and more questions build. He'd watched his mum go through multiple bad relationships and he never understood why she stayed with them. But this seemed like it had been even worse than any of his mums relationships and he couldn't comprehend why Lana would ever allow it to continue.

He remembered her saying "He's beat you and raped you multiple times and you are just continuing to let him do so!" and how hurt she visibly was having to say those words, the way his stomach churned when she said them and how he could feel her heartbreak from across the room. Even thinking back on the words in memory made him feel sick.

How long did they know this was going on?

Why didn't they do anything to stop him before?

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now