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For the next week and a half, Eddie and Lana spent almost every night like that, sat in Eddie's bed - a foot apart from each other, smoking countless blunts, watching cartoons, playing music, talking about all sorts of things.

Eddie had learned from that first day to not try to pry the slightest bit. He never asked her any questions that could be deemed slightly personal, nor did she to him and instead were just content with each other's company.

He had developed somewhat of a crush on her all over again but refused to admit it even to himself. He instead would try to convince himself that this was still a heroic friendship mission, made hard by the fact that she was still just as much of a mystery to him.

In school, Lana was still quiet and cold towards Eddie and everyone else around her, except for Steve and Robin who had worriedly made their way back into her life.

Lana loved them of course, but they were the only people she'd ever even partially opened up to - other than Aunt Joyce and Jonathan - and that made her feel weak, so after the whole Billy thing she tried to push them away, not wanting them to try to help her, but they knew better than to let her. So Lana stayed with them at school - she didn't talk to Eddie or even make eye contact with him.

He had been moved out of her and Jason's classes following the fight, making it easier for her to avoid him during the day. He was too loud, brought too much attention to her and she didn't like it. Eddie didn't get why she acted that way but he didn't want to risk upsetting her so he didn't ask. He also kind of liked the secret friendship they had, none of his friends knew and if they did they would only keep bringing her up and make it harder for him to stop thinking about her, so her standoffish behaviour was a blessing in disguise.

School had been going surprisingly tolerably for Lana since that first day. She never reacted to the names or taunts, so eventually they would get bored and move onto someone else. She hadn't seen Billy yet, that was the worst part of her days, dreading that he would turn round every corner, and she assumed he just hadn't turned up this year yet - getting his rocks off with some other girl.

It was a Thursday, meaning Hellfire Club was on, meaning for the first time in a week Lana wasn't spending her spare time hanging about with Eddie but instead, for the first time in a long time, was with Steve and Robin.

They were sat in Lana's bedroom, sharing blunts, drinking beers and laughing at each other.

"You really miss out on some amazing Harrington fails by not working at Scoops anymore you know?" Robin giggled to Lana.

"Oh come on! Stop it Robin they're not that bad!" Steve interjected, making the girls laugh more.

"They really are." Robin snorted.

"Tell me, tell me, what's the worst one he's done recently?" Lana grinned, looking at Steve who was glaring at both of them.

"Well... he tried to pull his moves on Stacey Leigh... and then he tripped and fell right in front of her!"

The two girls were in hysterics as Steve tried to claim to his pride back.

"It wasn't that bad. I totally would've gotten her number if I hadn't fell!" He declared, turning to Lana for approval.

"It was so bad!" Robin shook her head and laughed. "Even before he fell it was so embarrassing to listen to-"

"Well it's not like you've gotten anywhere with Vickie! Is it Robin!" Steve pointed at her.

"Oooooh the heat is turning up!" Lana grinned and turned to Robin. "Tell me did you make any progress while I was gone?"

Robin groaned and fell backwards onto the bed from her sat up position. "You already know the answer to that!"

"She should just make a move. Am I not right in saying that Lana?" Steve sat down on the sofa seat opposite the bed, looking intently at Lana.

"It's different for her Steve, you know that."

The room was silent for a second before Robin sprung back up from the bed.

"Anyway, we need to talk Lana." She said, looking to Steve for guidance.

He awkwardly coughed but knew he'd have to say it, he told Robin he would, it was part of their "work out what the hell is going on with Lana plan".

"I know you're not gonna want to talk about this, which is fine, but can you at least tell us...  just a little bit... what the hell were you doing with Billy Hargrove all that time? And why were you being so weird with us?"

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now