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It was now a period later, the second to last of the day, and Eddie had just sat down in his seat. He noticed Luke pace towards him and smiled at his friend, but soon furrowed his eyebrows as he saw his friends face - it was an expression that clearly spelled he had some news.

"What's up bro?" He asked, Luke sitting down beside him.

The boy awkwardly scratched the back of his neck before pulling a crumpled piece of tissue with red spots of blood on it out of his pocket.

"This is gonna sound so weird... so um this is Blau's tooth so like... you might wanna give it back to her."

He handed it to Eddie who was sat with wide eyes and immediate concern.

"What are you talking about? Her tooth?" He opened the tissue and saw that there was in fact a tooth, which instantly changed his slight concern and confusion to actual panic.

"What the fuck dude. How even? Is she okay? Why do you have her tooth? What did you do?" Eddie quickly questioned, Luke responding before he could add another question to the list.

"Dude chill. She had a fight with that bitch Montgomery." He scoffed. "I was sat behind her and saw the whole thing."

Eddie's mouth dropped and he looked down at the tooth again, beginning to feel relieved.

"Well she won right? Lana did?" He asked.

Luke could see how on edge this had made Eddie and chuckled slightly, knowing that his friend had totally been into Lana from the beginning.

"You really like her don't you-"

"Dude did she win or not?" Eddie frustratedly cut him off, much to his amusement.

"I mean yeah I guess. I pulled her off before she could do any real bad damage, the girl went fucking wild." He grinned.

Eddie thought about those words and tried to picture what had happened exactly. He was worried about Lana, even if she had won according to Luke, she still lost a tooth.

I should go find her. I doubt she's stuck around here. Probably gone home.

I hope she's okay, not hurting herself or anything.

"Okay... thanks dude. I should probably go find her." He replied with a thankful smile and put the tooth in his pocket.

The teacher hadn't started the class yet, everyone still just settling in, so he decided to get up quickly while it would be less noticeable.

As he paced towards his van, all he could think about was Lana fighting Cassie, going "fucking wild", and as much as it slightly turned him on, he was still filled with concern.

It only took a few minutes driving down the main road between the trailer park and the school until he saw Lana, briskly walking with her hood up. He honked his horn and she quickly turned around to see what it was, a smile crossing her red face once she saw Eddie.

There was some dried blood around her lip and her nose and cheeks were rosy from the cold. She looked like she'd been crying too - because she had - but he chose not to say anything about that, instead focusing on the warm glow her smile gave him.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now