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Authors note: Just saying if there's any terminology I use, drug related or not, and you don't understand it don't hesitate to comment and ask! Thanks so much for reading and interacting it means a lot! X

"You're an hour late Lana! What have you-" Robin cut herself off as she got a look at Lana's face. "Woah what happened? Are you okay?"

There were streaks of black running down her face from the crying and her bottom lip was cut and swollen on account of Billy's violence. She didn't realise how bad she looked, focusing solely on the fact that she was safe now and she could forget about what happened.

It was quite obvious to anyone who knew her that she was on hard drugs, her face visibly void of any thought or emotion and her voice robotic but slightly slurred.

"Yeah I'm fine." Lana forced a smile at Robin as she walked in but Steve soon turned the corner and looked just as concerned as Robin.

"Woah Lana are you okay?" He put down the bowl of popcorn and rushed over to her.

"Yeah I'm fine-" She went to answer monotonely again but Robin butted in with a raised voice.

"You're clearly not fine Lana. What are you on? You seem even more gormed out than I've ever seen you."

"Yeah and can you tell me why I just saw Billy's car backing out the drive way?" Steve added.

Lana looked between their concerned faces and then at the table in the middle of the living room. There were a couple bottles of wine on there.


"I haven't taken anything. Can I have a drink please?" Lana smiled at Robin and began to walk across the room before she could answer.

"Stop it you're not drinking anything." Steve stepped in front of her. "What have you taken Lana we're serious."

"I cannot be bothered with this." She thought, becoming irritated.

"Nah come on." She groaned. "Pour us a glass."

"Stop it." Steve put his hand on her shoulder. "You're not drinking. What have you taken?"

I need a drink right now.

Lana released a heavy sigh and looked to Robin for back up, but she was of course with Steve and was shooting Lana a worried look.

"Fine!" Lana threw her hands up in defeat, aware of her shaking voice and the tears pricking in her eyes, but she'd stopped caring, she'd do anything for a drink, even be vulnerable.

"I'll tell you guys everything. Everything that Billy and the other men did to me. All the drugs I've been taking. All the shit I've been doing to myself. Just let me have a drink."

Steve looked over at Robin nervously, unsure of wether to accept their friends offer, but she nodded and backed towards the table to grab a bottle.

"Thank you." Lana whispered, her hands shaking as she took the bottle.

The three teens sat down on the sofa's, all facing eachother. The TV was paused and the food and drink previously being enjoyed by Robin and Steve was sat still on the side as they patiently waited for Lana to start.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now