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When the bus finally arrived at the trailer park, Luke, Eddie, Lana and all the other kids who lived there got off and rushed to their homes, excited for the night ahead.

There were a couple of small bars and clubs dotted in and around Hawkins but most of the teens - unable to get served alcohol, would hang out in various rural spots, at their friends homes, or if they were lucky, someone would be having a party.

The Hideout didn't care though, not even being an official venue, more an abandoned warehouse converted into a makeshift concert venue / bar, they would let the "outcasted" teens into the bar as a place to feel accepted.

Tonight, neither Eddie or Lana had the energy to go to The Hideout, not that Lana was ever really that interested in going anyway. Her and Robin had gone a couple times and never thought it was that great.

Eddie was somewhat of a regular though, his band playing there on most Tuesdays. He thought about inviting Lana to watch him play one night but decided it would be too much pressure for him to perform well and that would make him fuck it up, so he never mentioned it.

When he got home, he was careful to be quiet so as to not wake Wayne, tidying his room, having a shower and making some food silently.

He'd told Wayne about his plan to help Lana and his worried suspicions of what she may be going through. The older man was saddened by this, having practically been a second parent to her for so many years, he had sometimes wondered how she'd been but always assumed she'd be doing well. Oh how wrong he was.

"Lana's coming here again I take it?" Wayne's voice made Eddie jump, thinking he was still asleep.

"Yeah... sorry didn't mean to wake you." Eddie answered, stirring the soup in the saucepan he'd been cooking.

"It's okay, I'd like to catch her this time before I leave." Wayne yawned and Eddie silently nodded.

"Don't need to worry, I'm not going to embarrass you." Wayne grinned.

"I didn't think you were going to." Eddie smiled back at him. "Why would I worry?"

Wayne scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You know why boy. Don't try to play dumb with me, you've had the eyes for her since the first day you met. I remember it like it was yesterday, you let her play with your little toy train - you wouldn't even let me touch that stupid thing."

Eddie's breath caught in his throat and his eyes widened. Was it that clear all along?

"I-I don't want to think about it." Eddie stuttered. "She needs a friend right now, that's all I am."

Wayne scoffed again "Whatever you say boy." and leant back in his chair. "When does she get here anyway?"

Eddie looked at the clock on the wall. "Should be n-"

Knock, knock.

"I'll get it. Make sure your soup doesn't burn." Wayne groaned slightly as he stood up.

Lana was waiting quietly outside, fidgeting with the end of her frayed sleeve. She was excited to see Eddie, happy that she'd said yes to seeing him even if she was so tired - she knew that being alone wasn't going to do her good right now.

She was very surprised when Wayne opened the door with a smile on his face. For a second she was anxious, having prepared herself to see Eddie not Wayne, but soon the happy memories of the days she had growing up with him rushed over her and looking at his aged face she felt immense guilt for not seeing him all this time.

"Why hello Lana! Long time no see!" He grinned at her as she smiled up at him.

He could see the pain in her face, the sadness in her eyes, how skinny she was, how tired she looked, and he felt even sadder than he did hearing it from Eddie. But he still smiled, just happy to see her.

"Long time no see to you too Wayne! How you been?" She smiled.

The two continued their small talk for a minute before Wayne invited her in.

"I suppose I should start getting ready for my shift now. You come in, I'll leave you and Eddie to it."

She stepped into the small entry and looked around until she saw Eddie, smirking at her as he hastily drank the remaining soup in his bowl. He was leant up against the wall, enjoying listening to Lana be so friendly, something he very rarely heard.

His smug grin as she made eye contact with her already let her know he was going to tease her for the polite voice and manners he'd just overheard and she started to blush.

Stop blushing oh my god. It's that stupid smirk and his stupid eyes. I'm too tired for this.

"How you hanging Lana? Surprised you came after that late night you had." He grinned.

"How'd you know? Are you stalking me now or something?" She scoffed.

"You wish. I just saw your friend Harrington speed out of the park at like 5am? He wasn't driving very well either, nearly knocked over Ms Laffey's bins."

"She's a bitch anyway." Lana giggled. "What were you doing up anyway?"

Eddie's smile dropped slightly and he walked away from Lana to put his bowl in the sink.

"Oh I struggle to sleep sometimes." He said shortly and then lifted his voice again. "I'm guessing you guys were just drinking last night anyway since clean Steve was with you."

Lana rolled her eyes. "He's not as clean as you think. He's actually very fun. And no we weren't just drinking, we had some smoke too."

Eddie raised his hands and grinned. "All right Lana, shit, sorry for not thinking captain of the swim team was down like that, don't bite my throat out."

She rolled her eyes again, this time with a smile. "You're such a wind up Eddie... What's the plan for tonight anyway?"

Wayne suddenly walked back into the room, causing the two teens to turn to him and stop talking.

"I'm off now. Eddie, behave. Lana... don't let his bad behaviour rub off on you." He joked. "I'll see you in the morning Eddie."

"See you!" "Bye it was nice seeing you!"

And with that he closed the door and was gone.

Hurt - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now