Yet, we live

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Y/n sits on the couch of The Milano. Nova's death replayed in his head over and over.  He saw the spear piece through his flesh, and he saw Corvus dump him on the ground. He wakes from his stupor and sees one of the Guardians sitting down next to him.

Rocket: Gwenpool said your friend died. That can be annoying.

Y/n looks down at the beast.

Rocket: Still, you never forget your first.

Y/n: How can you make jokes about a man's death? He was a soldier, a good guy.

Rocket: Eh, it gets easier with time.

Nebula: Fox. You are needed in the cockpit.

The blue woman replaces him, sitting opposite Y/n.

Nebula: We have a job we need to attend to, after that we will return you both to Terra.

Y/n doesn't respond. Gwenpool was up in the cockpit with Quill and Rocket. Gamora and Drax were both in their rooms and Groot was downstairs in the hangar.

Nebula: It hurts, doesn't it.

This gets Y/n's attention, everyone else he has spoken to has tried to sugarcoat his loss. He appreciated Nebula taking him seriously. She taps the cybernetics on her head.

Nebula: I wasn't always like this. I used to belong to Thanos, the man who attacked Xandar. Any time my skills weren't up to his standards: he'd replace a part of me with machinery.

Y/n: That's awful.

Nebula: Yes, and I hate him for it. The idiots on this ship don't understand, but I think our pain makes us stronger. You're going to feel upset for a while, but in the end it only makes you appreciate the good things in your life.

Y/n: What are the good things in your life?

Nebula: My sister, fighting bad guys. That kind of thing. What are the good things in your life?

Y/n: I'm... really not sure.

Nebula: What about your friend?

Y/n: She's a constant source of stress.

A constant source of stress joins them by jumping onto the seat next to Y/n.

Gwenpool: Hi guys! So, what are talking about?

Nebula and Y/n share a glance before leaving Gwenpool alone in the main room. They head down to the hangar. Once there, Y/n is greeted by Groot who gives him a slow wave.

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n: I know.

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n: Yep, you sure are... you are Groot.

Gwenpool and the rest of the Guardians arrive in the hangar.

Peter Quill: Alright, we're here. Let's just give Cosmo the plant, enjoy ourselves for a bit and then take Y/n and Gwenpool back home.

Drax: Quill, are you sure the tiny humans can be left alone on Knowhere? What if they get kidnapped.

Gwenpool smiles awkwardly at Y/n.

Peter Quill: Good point. Nebula, hang out with them for us.

Nebula: Fine.

The eight exit The Milano and emerge in Knowhere's parking lot. They are greeted by a dog in an astronaut costume.

Gwenpool: Aww...

The dog shocks Y/n and Gwenpool when he speaks telepathically to them with a thick Russian accent.

Cosmo: Guardians of Galaxy. Have you brought Cosmo the plant?

Gamora passes Cosmo's bodyguard a bioluminescent purple plant.

Drax: Are we sure the plant is going into safe hands?

Cosmo: Plant is in safe paws, Cosmo is good boy. Come, Guardians of Galaxy.

The other Guardians go with Cosmo and leave Y/n, Gwenpool and Nebula to explore Knowhere.

Gwenpool: What now?

Nebula: I don't care.

Gwenpool: Y/n? Any ideas?

Y/n: I don't care either.

Gwenpool: What happened to being excited about being in an alien planet? We can literally see space!

Y/n: We're not on an alien planet, we're at an alien gas station. I'll see you later.

Y/n starts to walk away.

Nebula: Hey! I'm supposed to look after you.

Y/n: Gwen put an ankle monitor on me, you'll know where I am.

Gwenpool: No we won't. I gave you the keycard.

He throws it to her and walks away without another word.

Nebula: You put a tracker on him?

Gwenpool: Yeah, a while ago. But I gave him the key, why didn't he take it off?

Y/n stands by at a boardwalk, leaning on the railing. He looks out into space and gazes at the beautiful destruction of a wormhole. He stays there for a long time, staring at the beauty of every individual star.

Drax: I too come to this spot to grieve.

Y/n: Jesus! How did you sneak up on me?

Drax: I have mastered the ability of moving so incredibly slow, that I am invisible to the eye.

Y/n: Uh huh.

They stand silent for a while. It wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was quite the opposite- like they were sharing the load of each other's tragedies.

Y/n: Who did you lose?

Drax: My wife and daughter. They were slain by a Kree warlord called Ronan. It has become my life goal to slay him. I suspect you feel the same way towards Corvus Glaive.

Y/n: I doubt I'll ever see him again, I'm definitely not about to start looking.

Drax: I understand, vengeance is not the path for every being. Some find more comfort in forgiveness or simply moving on.

Y/n: But you're set on killing Ronan?

Drax: In my religion, when innocents such as my family are slain: killing their butcher is the only way to navigate them to the afterlife. I do not hunt Ronan out of anger, I do it out of devotion.

Y/n: To your family?

Drax: Yes.

Y/n looks away from the wormhole to Drax who is still gazing into the abyss.

Y/n: How do you bear it?

Drax: When you lose someone you care about, it can feel as though you die with them. Yet, we live. You must embrace the torture as part of you. Attempt to modify it into a positive aspect.

Drax now turns to Y/n and pats his shoulder. Drax was much stronger than any human and Y/n flinched at his touch. At this point, Gwenpool and the other Guardians appear behind them.

Rocket: Are you guys done bein' girls yet? I wanna eat something.

Pools of love (Gwenpool x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now