Off the record

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(A/N: Buckle up boyos and girlos, this is officially the beginning of the end for Pools of Love!)

Court Usher: All rise for the honourable Judge Kirby.

We open in a courtroom, the population inside stand as the judge approaches their stall, sitting upon his permission.

Judge Kirby: Will the prosecution please state their names for the record?

Matt Murdock: Matt Murdock, representing Luke Cage.

Judge Kirby: And the defence?

Jennifer Walters: Jennifer Walters, representing Y/n L/n.

Court Usher: Cage is suing L/n on grounds of aggravated assault and obstruction of justice. L/n is counter-suing for aggravated assault, breaking and entering, grievous bodily harm and premeditated violence. Both parties plead not guilty.

Judge Kirby: Well then, let's get started.

Outside the courthouse: A large crowd is gathered, polarised by the case involving a member of the Defenders. A reporter informs television viewers of the unfolding scenario.

Reporter: Mary Jane Watson here with live footage from the Cage vs L/n case. Many of you are undoubtedly aware of superhero alike Cage who controversially fought against the now defunct Sokovia Accords and joined vigilante group 'The Defenders'. The real question on everybody's lips is: who on Earth is Y/n L/n?

Among many of the people crowding the courthouse is a group of seven, concerned over the potential result of the case.

Rogue: Quit your worryin' Kitty, Y/n's got the best lawyer this side of Jersey.

Daisy: Honestly, he'll be fine.

Kitty Pryde: Thanks guys, I'm still worried though.

Kurt: The Professor probably has some sort of contingency plan for him anyway.

Gwen Poole: That's true, he's like the most paranoid guy ever.

Jubilee: Almost stopped me shooting fireworks for the 4th of July.

Squirrel Girl: Did Y/n tell you what happened, Kitty? Off the record?

Kitty Pryde: Yeah, yeah he did.

Kitty weaves the tale of what happened two weeks prior. Night had truly fell over Fisk Tower and the past figures of Y/n and Wilson Fisk were conversing.

Y/n: Look, how do you know your source was even right?

Kingpin: They know better than to lie to me, Y/n. The Defenders are going to attack this building. Tonight.

Y/n's arms find his hips as he weighs up the pros and cons of helping Fisk. The two shared a unique bond, but deep down Y/n could not deny he was a bad man.

Kingpin: Look, it's different now. You hang around with all the superhero types. If you don't want to risk their trust then don't help me. No hard feelings, nor consequences.

Y/n taps his foot against the ground as he tries to make the best possible decision. Does he betray good people he may fight beside, or the father of his deceased best friend.

Y/n: Let me talk to them.

Jubilee: What happened next?

Back with Kitty and the others in the present day: her friends press her for more details.

Gwen Poole: You can't leave it there!

Kitty Pryde: I'm not leaving it there! Look.

Three figures approach the courthouse- the crowd of civilians parting for them like magnets with the same poles. The three drawing close were Frank Castle, Jessica Jones and Danny Rand. Three of the five superheroes making up the controversial quintet known as the Defenders.

Pools of love (Gwenpool x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now