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Y/n steps forward one or two paces and takes in his surroundings. The utopia of 2099 was not at all resembled in this wasteland, ruins were scattered across the plains. To Y/n: it looked far too familiar to the area he, Cable, Wolverine and Xavier lived in during the reign of the Scarlet Witch.

Y/n: Ah!

He hisses at the pain stemming from the gaping wound in his shoulder. America spies an abandoned house and points it out to the others.

America Chavez: We need to get you patched up, and I wouldn't mind a band-aid myself. We can hold up there for the time being.

Y/n nods and she takes his arm in an attempt to help him get there easier. Gwenpool hangs back by a number of steps, America thought she seemed off though admittedly they did not know each other too well. Y/n doesn't notice as he is preoccupied with his own issues. They step into the house and America sits Y/n down upon a desk.

Gwenpool: I'll guard the door.

She passes her penguin bag to America, assumedly there were medical supplies in there. Y/n removes his jacket and shirt so that America may wrap bandages around his wound.

America Chavez: Is it just me, or is something up with your girlfriend?

Y/n: Gwen?

They look over to her, she stares out at the world through the window without any thought to her friends inside. She certainly seems perturbed, though her conflict looked to be more internal. They break their stare when Y/n flinches as America presses too hard on his wound.

America Chavez: You've gotta stop getting stabbed.

A dry laugh escapes Y/n's lips as he grits his teeth through America tying his bandages.

Y/n: I'm making a habit, huh?

She smiles at him as he redresses. He throws her a band-aid for her scraped leg which she places onto herself appreciatively. Gwen joins them after satisfying herself with their safety. She eyes her boyfriend.

Gwenpool: Can I talk to you for a second? Over there.

She points to the stairwell which Y/n follows her to. America watches them off before resuming Gwen's watch. Gwen leans against the banisters looking troubled whilst Y/n stands straight.

Y/n: What's up?

Gwenpool: You are. Do you think you're invincible?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Gwenpool: You know damn well what I mean! Ever since Cap came back you've been throwing yourself into one death trap after another!

Y/n: I already told you what happened.

Gwenpool: Yeah, and that sucks for you. Thirty years gone, I get it. But that's no excuse for making everyone else worry.

Y/n: I can handle myself.

Gwenpool: No, you can't. Winter Soldier would've killed you if it weren't for Wasp. Crossbones would have killed you if it weren't for Hulk and those horseman guys would have killed you if it weren't for us!

Y/n: Do you even have a point?

Gwenpool: My point is I'm sick of running after you! Why is it so hard for you to stay out of it? You used to faint anytime someone looked at you the wrong way.

Y/n: So you're upset that I'm not afraid of my shadow anymore?

Gwenpool: Of course not, I'm just afraid that you may have gotten a bit too bitter.

Y/n: Well I'm sorry that living in a world where all my friends died made me too bitter for you, Gwen.

Animosity is high and the air is thick with tension. Gwen stares her boyfriend down before delivering a bombshell.

Gwenpool: You know what, I think we need a break. You've clearly got some baggage you need to get through and I need to be able to accept the new you.

Y/n steps back, nearly faltering over his own feet. He wipes his hand across his face before enquiring further.

Y/n: Are you breaking up with me?

Gwenpool: I just think we need some time to figure things out. It's a good time for it, with the apartment being built and all. I can stay with Daisy and you can probably get a spot at the X-Mansion.

Y/n: How are you planning this now?! God, you drive me crazy sometimes!

The crash of a ceramic lamp hitting the floor alerts the couple-in-jeopardy of a struggle. They re-enter the living room to find America pinned against a wall by a woman in a blue and yellow costume. America hold her hand up in a moth ion for her friends to stay back.

Y/n: Hey! Let her go!

The woman turns to him and growls, she does relinquish America but pounces upon Y/n in return. Two claws pop out of each of her hands as she roars at him. America grabs her by the shoulders and throws her off of Y/n, straight through the drywall. The woman looks out of the window and scrambles under a table on all fours.

Gwenpool: What is she-

Woman: Hide!

Y/n and America are quick to heed the feral woman's words though Gwen only gets behind a chest of drawers with seconds to spare as a large, mechanical head peers through the window. A yellow beam swings across the house as the automaton scans for life. Once satisfied that there were no organic life forms present: it flies off. The four step out of their hiding spots and stare as it leaves.

Gwenpool: What the hell was that?

Woman: It was a Se-

Y/n: -Sentinels. Robots designed to kill mutants, though they're not too partial to anyone in a five-mile radius of them.

America and Gwen stare at him, bewildered about how he may have come across this information. Y/n, however, was more interested in the woman that attacked him only to later hide him from threat.

Y/n: Hi, I'm Y/n. This is Gwen and America. What's your name?

The woman does not respond, only looking through her cowl to glare. Y/n does not relent and presses further into her privacy.

Y/n: We're not threats, it's pretty clear you could've cleared all of us out.

Gwenpool: Met your match, huh?

Y/n turns to Gwen to glare at her, she (to an extent) regrets her spite. Maturity wasn't something she was known for, though given what she and Y/n had just come to it was not out of line for him to assume some respect from her.

Woman: Codename: X-23. Now, get lost.

Y/n: That's not a name, it's a designation. What's your name?

X-23 whispers something to herself, by the sounds of it: profanities towards Y/n. She grumbles and folds her arms, giving in.

X-23: Laura. Happy?

Y/n: Thrilled.

America Chavez: How many more of those things are there?

X-23: Sentinels? Too many to count. Our glorious emperor sends sentinels out in groups of fifty to patrol the wastelands.

Y/n: Emperor?

X-23: Kang. Sonuva bitch, broke time and turned my home into a debris field. He took all the heroes and smoked them. Literally, he cremated them all and smoked them from a cigar.

America Chavez: Woah, that's hardcore.

X-23: Yeah. Not many of us left these days.

Y/n: How are you still alive?

X-23: We gave up the superhero life. Every now and then when patrols are light we'll go out and do a bit of work, that's what you caught me doing.

Alarms blare through the emptiness, alerting the four to a red light outside. Three sentinels stand a few yards away staring out them. An intercom sounds from the swordship high in the air.

Kang: Hello, Laura. Long time no see. Sentinels, tear them apart.

The sentinels charge toward the house and Gwen, Y/n, America and Laura run in separate directions as the robots infiltrate the home...

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