Enter Thanos

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The present-day version of Vision flies himself, Captain America and Black Panther to the edge of their protective dome. Cull Obsidian (the being next to Thanos) lets out a mighty roar upon seeing Vision again.

Thanos: I... am Thanos.

Black Panther: We care not for your name. Leave Wakanda now, while I still allow it.

The Titan lets out a slow, deep chuckle. He folds his arms and smirks at the trio in front of him.

Thanos: I have purged a hundred planets of excess life. My name is written in legend. Now I am threatened by jesters in costume.

Captain America: That's why you're here? To purge excess life.

Thanos: No, I must admit... this is personal.

Vision: Personal?

Thanos: Two if my children have died at your hand. Ebony Maw and Corvus Glaive. I avenge them today.

Captain America: That's usually our thing.

Black Panther: I warn you, brute. To attack Wakanda is to court Death.

Thanos: I'm counting on it...

He raises an open palm, signalling to his warship: The Sanctuary II. The three heroes retreat to the front line where the heroes and armies have assembled. Hundreds of ports upon Thanos's cruiser open as pods shoot out of them like rockets.

Black Widow: I take it you couldn't talk things out?

Captain America: He didn't feel like chatting.

Vision: Actually, Captain, he was rather talkative.

Steve glares at Vision. Thanos' pods impact the Wakandan ground, each pod is golden in colour and is around the size of a caravan. The pods break apart like eggs- revealing ten or so Chitauri soldiers.

Drax: Chitauri...

Quake: What are Chitauri?

Y/n: Evil space monkeys.

Peter Quill: With guns.

Thanos closes his fist- a ball of yellow psionic energy surrounding it. He yells and strikes the Wakandan energy shield, breaking a large portion like glass.

Gwenpool: That was probably expensive...

Okoye: Wakanda has no shortage or resources.

Gwenpool: I mean for us. Wattpad cut Beans' budget again.

Thanos' Chitauri assemble behind him. The Mad Titan smiles a grim smile as he folds his arms. Cull Obsidian clutched his weapon tightly as he bares his teeth at the opposing armies.

Thanos: Advance.

The Chitauri bleed through the hole in the shield, Thanos and his last remaining child bringing up the rear. King T'Challa passes Y/n and the hero forces. As he stands tall: he utters a war cry which his team repeats.

Black Panther: Yibambe!


Black Panther: Yibambe!


Black Panther: To war!

With that: the forces of good and evil clash upon Wakandan soil. Y/n and a team of gun toting heroes including Star-Lord, Winter Soldier, Punisher 2099 and Rocket Raccoon form a squad and cut through Chitauri as they and a large group of Atlantean soldiers attempt to box Thanos' forces in a circle.

Punisher 2099: So, as long as you're squashing beef: you think we can make up?

Y/n: You're really asking that now?

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