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Y/n and Roderick emerge in the courtyard as the late afternoon begins, Roderick points out three men by the basketball court who they walk over to. All three size Y/n up as Kingsley makes introductions.

Roderick Kingsley: Well I'm damn sure that I don't need to introduce you to Y/n here. But he should probably know who you are since we're going to be such good friends.

Kingsley points out the inmates one by one, first: a Silver Fox looking gent; probably in his late fifties.

Roderick Kingsley: This is Herman Schultz, though you may know his as the Shocker.

Herman gives Y/n a respectful nod which the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent reciprocates. The second man to be pointed out by Kingsley looked a decade or so younger than Shocker- definitely closer to Roderick's age. He had black hair and a large (slightly obnoxious) moustache.

Roderick Kingsley: Over here we have Bentley Wittman-

Bentley Wittman: -Though you may call me the Wizard! The master of anti-gravity!

Y/n raises his eyes, enjoying the manic energy of the villain before him.

Roderick Kingsley: He's a bit of a theatric.

The third was incredibly hard not to stare at as pretty much everyone in the area had their eyes on him. Standing taller than Roderick's other friends was a primate with human proportions. Simply put: one big monkey.

Roderick Kingsley: This is Jerome-

Y/n: -Mandrill, yeah. I know.

Mandrill: Oh, you've heard of me?

Y/n: Pretty hard not to. Monkey dude who can hypnotise women into being into him.

Mandrill: I mean it's pheromones, not hypnosis but-

Prisoner: Hey!

The four turn to see a very aggressive prisoner heading their way. He was not wearing the top half of the prison jumpsuit- rather a white vest which shows off his massive, tattooed arms. It takes Y/n a moment to recognise the convict, though his voice completes the picture.

Eddie Brock: Remember me, asshole?

Y/n: Yeah, you look... different.

Eddie Brock: I've been lifting, next time I beat somebody's ass I won't need a symbiote.

Y/n: Wow. I guess orange is the new black.

Roderick and his friends chuckle at Y/n's joke, earning an angry response from Brock.

Eddie Brock: You makin' fun of me? I'm not the one runnin' around with freaks like Mole Man and Mandrill!

Y/n: No offence, man but a short guy is nowhere near as weird as a dude who lived his life with a black goo monster in his chest.

Eddie Brock: You son of a-

Brock throws a punch at Y/n, the agent weaves under it and kicks Eddie in his side- sending him down to the ground. Mandrill smirks as do Roderick, Herman and Bentley. Brock growls and gets to his feet. He rushes to grab Y/n but is punched in the jaw by the incarcerated Shocker.

Herman Schultz: I like you better down there.

Policeman: Stop right there!

Two policemen in riot gear rush over to hold down Brock and Schulz. Bentley leaves the scene with Y/n and the others quickly in tow.

Y/n: Are we just leaving Herman there?

Roderick Kingsley: Shocker's a big boy, he'll manage.

Bentley Wittman: The five of us take hits for each other, that's how this works. It was Herman's turn on the rotor.

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