How the other half lives

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Reed Richards: Now just hold on a minute, is it possible we could cut a deal?

Thor: What exactly did you have in mind?

Reed Richards: You're more than welcome to take him off of our hands. But as a scientist, could we provide him in exchange for the opportunity to explore Asgard?

Foster stands in thought for a while, staring momentarily at each member of the group.

Thor: The Allfather will not like it, but he will consider it a worthy bargain for this individual.

She points to Diablo. She then beckons the group to join her on the sort of crop circle her entrance had created. Once they are all inside, she looks to the sky and the same beam of rainbow light now consumed all of them as they fly through space.

Gwen: Bitchin'!

The group stumbles to the ground as they arrive in a golden chamber. Diablo attempts to escape but is knocked out cold by a man clad in golden armour.

Thor: Thank you, Heimdall.

Heimdall: What is your reason for bringing these mortals to our realm?

HERBIE: I am no mortal sir, my name is HERBIE.

Thor: They will allow us our prisoner in exchange for research of our culture.

Heimdall: Mortals, for what purpose is your research?

Reed Richards: I wish to understand places beyond simple human comprehension.

Y/n: I wanna write about how the other half lives.

Heimdall: Your metaphor means nothing to me.

Y/n: Sorry, I want to record how Aagardian life parallels our own.

Heimdall nods and gestures towards the city of Asgard.

Heimdall: Proceed.

The group splits off into a few different splinters. Ben, Susan and HERBIE accompany Thor to take Diablo to the dungeons, Johnny and Gwen go to disturb the local residents whilst Reed and Y/n go to conduct their research.

Y/n: This is awesome!

Reed Richards: I know, I mean I've been to space before- but this? This is a whole different slice of pie.

Y/n: Really, how was space?

Reed Richards: Empty.

The two approach a congregation of Asgardian women.

Reed Richards: I talk, you write?

Y/n: Sounds good.

Reed Richards: Good afternoon, ladies.

They look to him with passive intrigue. He stammers a little and they walk away before he can begin his question.

Y/n: Wow, I don't think even I'm that awkward with girls.

Gwen appears behind the shoulders of various  Asgardians before disappearing and reappearing behind another shoulder like a cartoon.

Gwen: Hi, I'm Gwenpool! Hi, I'm Gwenpool!

Johnny Storm: Gwen, buddy. That's not how you do it, you gotta impress them.

He lights himself ablaze, terrifying the Asgardians.

Asgardian Woman: Surtur! Run for your lives!

He cools off and waves his hands frantically.

Johnny Storm: Hey! Not Surtur, Johnny!

Pools of love (Gwenpool x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now