Prove it!

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I don't like prank shows. I understand why some people like them. If you're an asshole it's fun to laugh at people being humiliated when it's not happening to you. You can't laugh at people dying in a tsunami so prank shows give you an outlet. There's nothing wrong with laughing at a woman being sexually degraded at a fake job interview or an old man at a fast-food drive in being pelted with water balloons full of ranch dressing.

They were just trying to live a life and we fucked with them good! LOL!!!!

I didn't get pranked, it was just a set up, but that's what it made me think of.

I could have suspected that something was up because I'm not well known enough for anyone to want me on their channel. I don't have the profile even for 97% of the shit channels that exist with less than 1000 listeners. I didn't think about it. Even if I had they probably would have got me with their story that someone else dropped out last minute. It was a live stream so they had to get someone. Plausible.

Now I know that Roan Joseph has an issue with women's wrestling and only has women on his show to shout at them. He has a normal wrestling podcast otherwise but whenever a woman get roped into being a guest he goes apeshit on them. I've now watched a couple of those videos and I hope that he intentionally selects women he thinks will be timid and pathetic in response because I'd hate to think what I saw was random.

When we met he seemed vaguely hostile and said that he wasn't going to "pull any punches". I said that was fine. I didn't think he could get to me.

In my childhood I learned three rules. One, mind your own business. Don't get involved in whatever shit someone else is doing, you have your own problems. Two, don't deal with anyone on their home turf. Meet at a neutral location. Three, as long as they don't lay hands on you people can talk trash all they want. Words are nothing. Don't get upset about words. If they touch you that's different but they can say whatever.

I let him get to me. All the shit about how women's wrestling sucks didn't bother me. Because he's basically right. Hardly anyone gives a shit about women's wrestling and a lot of people that claim to are lying because they want to pretend to be supportive. People are all "give women a chance" and then when there's a women only show nobody fucking shows up.

It didn't bother me when he started attacking my appearance. I know what I look like. When he started getting under my skin is when he speculated that I turned tricks when I was on the street. He asked me how much I charged for various sex acts. He said that I can't be making much money in wrestling and asked how much it would cost for me to go into his dressing room and take it in the ass.

I lost my temper when he told me to pull down my pants and prove that I wasn't a man. I went after him, which is what he wanted I'm sure, and he threw his chair in my way and ran off camera. I shouted after him but he didn't even turn around, he just disappeared down a hallway.

One of his staffers came up on the little stage and I threw him down for no other reason than I was mad. He didn't do anything, he does work for this asshole so he's probably an asshole too. I feel a little bad about it but not too bad.

The end of the video is me calling him a pussy, not very feminist of me, and saying that I know he didn't run because he has any problems hitting women since there's no doubt that he kicks the shit out of his girlfriend. They left that in on the video they uploaded later for whatever points that gets them.

I wish it had been a work. It would have been a good start for an angle. I understand now why those two parking lot fight guys didn't do that like I said. They were mad. They weren't thinking about how it could help them get over. Sometimes I forget that emotions are a thing.

Roan is good at his "job" of upsetting people. He got me to break rule #3. I think of myself as a cool customer, that I don't lose my temper, but he proved me wrong. Good for you Roan Joseph.

I wanted to wait for him and bust a beer bottle over his skull and various other violent fantasies but that never accomplishes anything. As much as I want to and as much as Hollywood tells me that it works you can't beat the asshole out of someone. That just makes them more of an asshole.

If I rammed him off the road and beat him with a tire iron in a ditch all that would happen is I would go to jail and be sued and he would have more fodder to feed his small number of followers. I probably wouldn't even feel better. Beating the shit out of someone who deserves it doesn't feel nearly was good as you want it to.

Unless I killed him. If you beat someone to death that does solve things.   

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