I hadn't heard from RNBPL while I was on the road but I didn't think much of that. When I got back to the hotel and my key didn't work, I didn't think much of that. I figured the magic caffeine buzz had started to annoy her and she moved on. I saw her Ford Transit in the parking lot but I didn't think too much of that. Probably around somewhere.
I was in the parking lot trying to peek through the tinted windows to see if she was passed out drunk in the back when I saw a woman in the lobby on her phone. When she saw me see her she got that look that people do when they want to seem casual and accomplish the opposite. She was frightened by me.
When I headed for the lobby she quick-walked into the hallway by the front desk. I ran around to the side of the hotel to try and intercept her but she didn't come out. I figured she had to have a vehicle there so I hung around the parking lot for a couple hours until the police came to roust me.
I told them that I was worried about my friend that seemed to be missing. They told me that the hotel manager called them because I was dealing drugs in her parking lot. I told them they could search the shit out of me and they wouldn't find any drugs or money.
When interacting with the police, you have to remember that everyone lies to them constantly. If they've been called out because someone says you're a problem, it's going to be hard to get them to think about someone else as the problem. They assume that you're trying to deflect from whatever wrong thing you're doing. Because that's what it usually is.
Talking to the cops is like calling customer service. You have to accept going in that it's going to be a long frustrating process where very little of what you say is going to be heard. You have to pledge to not lose your temper because if you do that erases whatever tiny amount of progress you've made and you have to start all over again.
It didn't help my "not a drug dealer" story when they looked RNBPL up and found that she has been busted for possession several times. In the end, they had me fill out a missing person report which is probably about as useful as turning on the Bat-Signal.
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