I don't feel great about mooching off the professor. I don't hate it either. It took a few days for him to arrange the meeting with his mystery man, and once he found out I was sleeping in my car he set me up with a guest suite on campus. Now I can say I went to Cornell.
After the B&B this is the second nicest place I've stayed. The dining hall is nuts. The food they get here is better than anything I eat ever. They have fucking cake and brownies every day! I kept a look out for boys disguised as girls like in all the sorority movies but I didn't spot any. They must be pretty good at evading detection.
I mostly stayed in the room because being around all these people freaked me out. I spent most of my time alone. Even when I'm at a show, I don't interact much. I keep saying I should work on my social skills but how do you get started?
Even though we're the same age, these college students feel like kids to me. I think I've felt like an adult most of my life. That's probably normal when you're on your own early in life.
I got an angry call from Eric, he had driven to one of the shows I cancelled and he was pretty pissed. I told him that he could come meet me here while explaining again that I can't use magic to get his ex-wife to take him back. I don't think I'll be hearing from him again. So much for my cult.
While I was waiting, I made a list. I'm not even sure of what, but things I need to do something about.
#1 Asian girl
$2 Eterno
#3 Guy who probably tried to kill his ex-wife with magic
#4 Magic diner
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