Backstage last night I was reading through the Scrap Iron journals while a guy was bragging about how he could game the breathalyzer machine they put in his car by sticking the end in his butthole and farting into it. It's great for him because he can still start his car while he's drunk and he can trick people into putting their mouth on it and then laugh.
I don't know if I believe him. I've never had one but I know that you have to blow into those things for a long time for them to work. If you can fart that deeply and vociferously I think you have a medical problem.
The guy he was talking to was an old timer who said that he knew Scrap Iron. I've been asking around about him. This was the first person who said they had even heard of him. It didn't help much though because what was I supposed to ask him? "Did Dennis ever say anything about werewolves?"
I don't know if these journals are a joke or what they are. I've often thought that at some point there has to have been wrestling serial killer.
Wrestling is the perfect cover for serial killing. You have a profession where you're on the road all the time, you're isolated from society, you're probably crazy in the first place, and you're most likely violent. Plus, back in the old times wrestlers were all criminals. The stories the old timers tell are all about ripping people off and getting over on them.
You're telling me that in the 100-whatever year history of wresting, with the tens or hundreds of thousands of people that have come through the biz, one of them wasn't a serial killer? You're in a town for one night, you have enough fame that you can attract a victim but not so much that anyone is going to remember you, and the next day you're hundreds of miles away. Surely there's been at least one wrestling serial killer.
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