Home is where the silence is

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I did something yesterday. Something normal for most people. Not normal normal people but most normal people in wrestling. It was really weird.

I drove to Montgomery for a show. Then I drove back here to Kim's apartment. It's almost like I have a home that I live in that's at a place. I'm sure that doesn't seem significant, but I've never done it before. I've never had a place to go back to.

Feels weird.

This whole situation doesn't sit right. I've been on the road for so long, staying still is foreign to me. Maybe I should live here? Would that be cheaper? I'll have to write it all down. I'm terrible at doing math in my head. I'm also terrible at doing math not in my head. I wish there was a spell I could learn for financial advice.

I worry that being tied down will keep me from taking bookings that aren't within driving distance. I need all the bookings that I can get.

In Montgomery I worked a woman by the name of Evangeline Ecstasy. Which is the most strippery name I've come across in a business stuffed to the gills with strippery names. Her shtick wasn't being a sexy vamp though. Her deal was being a drugged up party girl, as in ecstasy the drug.

She was a good worker but she was slippery. She was already sweaty when she came out. It wasn't just sweat though. It was like she was greasy. It's a good thing I don't do a lot of throws because she could have easily slipped out of my grasp and busted her ass.

Ms. Ecstasy if you're reading this what the heck was going on with your skin?

I've called and left messages for the detective several times but she hasn't called back. I doubt she's going to. I am getting sick of people showing up who clearly know something about magic and refusing to tell me anything. It's like they've all taken some secret oath to keep me in the dark.

I've had enough of that.

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