Last night's show featured a guy by the name of Howard Traylor of Howard Traylor's Dodge. His gimmick is anyone in the crowd could fight him, and if they lasted 5 minutes they'd get a fully loaded brand new Ram.
I assumed this was a work, but from what I heard it's a shoot. How is that possible in this day and age? That's carny stuff from the 1800s. I wish I had watched the match. There's no mistaking a real fight for a wrestling match. Instead I saw a different kind of shoot when I walked in on him having sex with his valet/girlfriend/office manager in the bathroom. I don't think we're going to be friends.
Since working with Mr. Petticord, I've been making an effort to commit time working on my magic. Spending some time with that bitter old jerk and meeting the professor reinforced that I can't wait around for another mentor.
I've gotten good at summoning smoke. A lot of smoke. Too much smoke. I'm trying to dial that back. I've also figured out how to make a flash of light that could blind someone. I'm trying to work out some non-lethal spells that can help me out of a jam.
When I summoned my fetch, Mr. Petticord flipped his wig. Then he asked me what it did. When I told him it didn't do anything, he sneered. I've been working on that. Turns out that I can make it move a little. If I practice I can probably make it do more.
On the other hand, last night I had a nightmare about a copy of myself coming into the room at night while I'm sleeping and strangling me.
So maybe I won't mess with that spell anymore for a while.
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The Shine
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