I'm always here for you (w.m)

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Wanda keeps having nightmares about her brother's death. She hasn't told anyone at all. Then one day Erza saw Wanda move in her sleep.
Erza POV:
My girlfriend Wanda and I have a pretty decent relationship. Wanda tells me almost anything she has going on in her mind. Then one night Wanda was sleeping and I was just about to get into bed when I saw Wanda moving around. "Detka (love) wake up." I said. Wanda was moving around still. I wrapped my arms around her until she woke up.

"Woah. Hey. What's wrong babe?" I asked. "I I I I you died. I saw it in the battle of sokovia you died with Pietro." Wanda said. "Honey it's okay I'm here now." I told Wanda softly. Wanda hugged me tightly and didn't want to let go. I played with her hair to keep her calm. "Erza? I have a question for you." Wanda said to me. "What is it love? Do you ever think I'm good enough for you?" Wanda asked.

"Wanda yes of course your the best thing that has happen in my life. Your the one that makes me smile. Your really funny and I love that you cling on to me. When you want something you find a way to get what you need. Your the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for Wanda Maximoff. I'm always here for you love." I told her.

"Well I'm doing a lot better now. I really needed that talk." Wanda said. "I'm glad I could be of service babe." I said. "Erza can I cuddle you right now?" Wanda asked. "How could I say no to you." I said. My girlfriend leaned on my chest and slowly fell asleep while I played with her hair.

Hey guys thanks for reading this book I hope you guys like the one shot book

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