When you want comfort part two (w.m)

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Hey guys I'm busy this week and next week because you know school and shit but hope you have a good day or night or whenever your reading this.
- Wanda loves scary movies and she makes Erza watch them because she likes seeing her scared shitless
- Erza loves taking Wanda to the water park because she could gang up on Pietro to have a water fight. They would also have Natasha and Yelena on their team
- Erza bakes cookies for Wanda when she's sick or when she feels like it
- Wanda gets jealous when someone stares at Erza for a long time
- Erza would love to marry Wanda and go on a nice getaway to themselves
Thanks for reading this oneshots book I hope you guys have a good day or night or wherever your from in the world. Also thank you for 2k reads on this oneshot book.

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