Erza's 19th birthday (t.s.)

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Taylor is 19 for this one shot cause why not. It's Erza's birthday and Taylor decided to do something special for her girlfriend (yes the whole world knows that they are dating) of two years.....
Erza POV:
I slept comfortably until my girlfriend of two years shook me awake. "Baby wake up." Taylor said softly. "Okay I'm up darling what happened." I asked her. "Happy birthday I have something planned out for the whole day now come on get changed." Taylor said excitedly. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I threw on one of Taylor's shirts and her hoodie that she gave me.

A few minutes I walked out to find Taylor. "Tay. Where are you." I asked. "I'm in the kitchen." Taylor said. I went to the kitchen and sat at the table. "A few minutes later Taylor put a plate in front of me. "Your birthday breakfast." Taylor said. "Aww Tay thank you." I said. "Come on eat it." Taylor said.

I laughed and ate the breakfast Taylor made for me. After I finished my breakfast Taylor told me to get in the car. "Taylor you coming." I asked. "Yeah give me a few minutes." Taylor said. A few minutes later Taylor threw two bags in the back and got into the drivers seat. "Where we going darling." I asked. "That would be a surprise." Taylor said. After a long time waiting in traffic we were at the airport. "Tay why are we at the airport." I asked. "You'll find out soon." Taylor said. When we got on board the plane I fell asleep on Taylor's shoulder.

A few hours later I felt my body being placed on a bed. "Hey glad your up darling. Come on we're in LA." Taylor said. "Wait Tay are we going to Disney." I asked. "Maybe now come on." Taylor said. We got out of our hotel room and went to the place Taylor was dragging me to.

A few minutes later of being dragged I could not believe my eyes. "Taylor are we at Disney."  I asked. "Yeah." Taylor said. Taylor and I got in line and waited to get in the park. As soon as we got in the park Taylor dragged me to a big ass roller coaster. "Tay are you sure you want me to go on that." I asked. "I'm sure I'll let you hold on to me." Taylor said. "Deal." I said. We then both got in line. A few minutes later Taylor and I both got on the ride. "I don't like this already." I said. Taylor gave me her hand and I held on to it for dear life. After a while at Disney, Taylor and I walked up to the castle. "Tay this was the best birthday ever." I said. "I'm gonna make it even better." Taylor said. She got down on one knee and opened a little box.

"Marry me I want to spend my whole life with you." Taylor said. "Yes Taylor a million times yes." I said as I got down to Taylor's level and she put the ring on my finger. "I love you so much Taylor. I can't wait to be your wife." I said. "I can't wait to call you mine. I love you Erza. Happy birthday my fiancée." Taylor said. I kissed her like no one was watching at all.
An early birthday post. Hope you guys like and I'm sorry I haven't been writing in this book lately cause I didn't know what to write at all and I have school. Also my birthday is in two weeks ima be 19 this year what is life but hope you like.

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