Erza's stressed (w.m)

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Normally when Erza gets stressed she just takes some pills to help her but what happens if her stress gets to a point where she can't mentally think straight. Will Wanda listen to her girlfriend rant to her.
Erza POV:
I've been under a whole lot of stress this week and I can't seem to find time to myself. I think I may have pushed myself to the limit this time. I got online classes in about a minute so I did all of my work and Peter walked into my room.

"Hey Pete." I said. "What's wrong with you Erza? You good." Peter asked. "Yeah I'm great actually why you asking?" I asked. "It looks like you haven't been getting enough sleep."  Peter told me. "I do but I don't have to tell you everything." I said. "Then I'll tell Wanda you haven't been sleeping then." Peter told me.

"Ok ok fine I haven't been sleeping just promise me you won't tell Wanda." I told Peter. "Oh ima tell her." Peter told me. Fuck I'm doomed. I said to myself. I went back to my room and I heard a knock on the door. "Love are you in your room?" I heard someone say. "Come in." I said. "Erza darling I heard that you weren't sleeping why." Wanda asked.

Peter told Wanda fuck. I thought to myself. "You know I could read your mind right love." Wanda told me. "Now tell me why you aren't sleeping at night?" Wanda said. "I've been stressed lately okay and I don't know how I can solve it." I said. "Why didn't you tell me you were stressed. I would have asked Steve to help you out." Wanda told me.

I looked down at the ground and I felt two arms wrap around me. "Am I worth it Wanda? Am I a shitty girlfriend to you?" I asked. Wanda planted a kiss on my head and made me look at her. "Erza your not a shit girlfriend. You try your best to make the team happy. Pietro loves talking to you. Steve thinks your very funny. Stark thinks you have fun at parties. And to me I think you are being the best girlfriend there is." Wanda told me.

"Thanks darling I needed to hear that." I said. "Now what do you say let's go to a water park the team is gonna meet us there." Wanda said. "Yeah sure let's go." I said. I gave Wanda a kiss and we walked out of the compound. "I love you Maximoff." I said. "I love you too Scarlet." Wanda said.

Hey guys thanks for reading this. I wrote this because I was completely stressed out yesterday and I decided to write this. So I hope you enjoy the story as much as I liked to write it.

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